Cory Question

Yea they didnt have the waterlife unfortunately so i bought king british methylene blue. Did you say that you have tried this and it doesnt wipe out bacteria colonies? or do i need to remove the filter media (sorry just a little confused, hopefully it doesnt wipe out the bacteria because that would surely kill the fish for sure)

If it does wipe out bacteria i definitely wouldnt use it, id have to try & get a different brand
I think the gold on the corys now could actually be velvet. As far as i can tell there appears to be more gold than yesterday, around the fins and over the gills. Was reading that the king british methylene blue also treats velvet.

Not sure what to do, will it be ok with the bacteria colony??
What does it say on the box about your benefical bacteria.
I havent got the med now but I can remember it saying on the box that is wouldn't wipe all the benefical bacteria out in your filter.
It might knock your water stats.
You can buy meds online if you can't get them at the lfs.
How are the corys by the way.
Are they flicking more.
It should tell you on the box if it going to knock your water stats.
Also do a thread in tropical discussion to see if anybody used that med and if it does wipe the benefical bacteria out in the filter
Going do a check for you now on the med.
Ok looked the med up on five sites dosn't say anything about knocking water stats.
I would check the box and leaflet before you use it.
Are the corys in a hospital tank anyway.
Hi Wilder i couldnt find any info about wiping out beneficial bacteria unfortunately, it doesnt say it anywhere on the box, internet or leaflet . At the moment they're in a 2 month old fully cycled 60l tank which im going to use as a temporary tank for new fish. I have a new 110l that is fishless cycling so i added over half of the media to the 110l tank just in case it does wipe out the good bacteria. I feed them this morning (a small amount just in case the beneficial bacteria are gone) and they looked very healthy. I read somewhere to keep the tank dark as well so i have done that. The plan is now to hopefully put them in their new 110l on monday if all goes well between then & now. Really appreciate all the help you have given me. Thanks again.
If they do have parasites they need treating now as velvet nasty.
its far worse than whitespot and takes longer to cure.
Once the parasites affect the gills and they labour breath they tend not to make it.
So if you do think they have a parasite get treating.
If you think its velvet go to the lfs and get interpet anti slime and velvet or a waterlife med that treats velvet.
I wouldn't risk the methylene blue if it dosn't tell you about benefical bacteria being wiped out.
Too late i added it last night after i was sure that it was velvet. They had a good bit of gold around their fins when i had a good look last night. The king british methylene blue says it is also a good treatment for velvet so i added it. I just checked the water stats now and ammonia is reading 0 so thats promising. Its weird that a medication would wipe out all the beneficial bacteria though, kinda makes adding it almost pointless cos chances are they'll die of ammonia poisoning then. They are still looking as healthy as ever though they are all eating and swimming so fingers crossed it will work. Wish i had figured out it was velvet earlier and added the interpet anti slime and velvet but hopefully this will work aswell. Fingers crossed.
Ok that good news then.
Just keep an eye on water stats.
Good luck.
Hi Wilder just thought id let you know the corys are doing great. One or 2 still scratch the odd time but they look very healthy.

I actually added 1 more female cory last week and today she has layed 8 eggs so far so im well pleased :hyper:

Thanks again for all your advice :good:
Glad there ok.
Congrats on the fry.

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