7 Day Wait Or Not


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = between 5 & 10 so did a 50% water change
Tank = 60l (fully cycled with ammonia) 120l cycling


I treated my cherry barbs with Interpet anti internal bacteria number 9 as they had symptoms of this (2 died before the treatment, 2 have survived since the treatment). I put the treatment in the 60l tank on monday on the advice of my lfs and by the next day they looked much better. Unfortunately on wednesday morning i noticed white spots on both fish. I went back to the lfs and got a white spot treatment and aquarium salt and added an air filter and 2 teaspoons of salt(1 a day). They did say that i cant use the treatment for 7 days and increase temperature slowly but today they looked a bit worse so i did a 50% water change, they are just hanging behind a rock not moving much. My question if it would be safe to add the treatment tomorrow even though it hasn't been a full week or would that be worse than leaving them. Can they survive a whole week with itch?

Just run some black carbon overnight. Do a water change and add the med.
Good luck.
Excellent, ill put the carbon back in the filter now. Really appreciate that quick reply cos the female is not moving too much
Thanks Wilder
Yes just run the black carbon overnight to remove the med, and do a water change before you add the med.
It will be fine.
Don't forget to increase aeration with the high temp and med.
Good luck.
Have pointed the filter upwards to create a good water flow and have been leaving the air pump running for 12 hours a day. Thanks again for your help Wilder.
One last question if anyone can help me. I noticed over the last week there has also been almost microscopic little flower like things in my tank. They are attached to the glass by what looks like a stem and the flower bit is just waving around in the current. I have searched the internet but no joy. Thanks.
One last question if anyone can help me. I noticed over the last week there has also been almost microscopic little flower like things in my tank. They are attached to the glass by what looks like a stem and the flower bit is just waving around in the current. I have searched the internet but no joy. Thanks.

Without a pic we can't be absolutely sure, but it sounds as if you have Hydra. Nasty litle buggers that have a taste for flesh. Hydra can kill an entire spawning of rainbow fry in a few hours. Larger fish aren't in danger though.

Fluke tabs will get rid of them.
Thanks drobbyb, tried to get a pic but its impossible to make out anything, they are way too small. Man it looks like im having every problem possible.

Unfortunately my last female cherry barb died last night. Only the one male left, i had treated them yesterday morning for white spot but she died last night. Do you know if it is ok to add fluke tabs aswell as the white spot treatment.

Im have no idea what to do now, the male is looking fairly good, he has far less spots than a few days ago, is moving around but not eating much. Not nice to see him in the tank on his own though. At the moment I have a new 120l tank fishless cycling but by the looks of it it will take a few more weeks. Im having so many problems with my 60l that i think i plan on throwing out all the gravel, plants etc etc and putting only new stuff in the 120l. If the male improves over the next few days would it be crazy to add another 2 females, otherwise he will be alone for a long while yet. If he survives i want to put him in the 120l when its cycled but i guess i would then have to put the 2 new females in the 60l for another week or so after that(after it was bleached and boiled). Is there a chance all these worms, hydra, bad bacteria etc etc etc can survive a good bleaching and boiling.

Can a male cherry barb survive that long alone? Which is best? Thanks again, would be lost without this site..
Why do you want to use the fluke tabs do you suspect your fish have flukes.
I wouldn't mix parasite meds it not wise.

Boiling water kills parasites.
I would post in tropical discussion about the flower shaped things in your tank more members go over there.
Good luck.

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