What Is This


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2008
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Hi I have something growing a the walls and plastic plant leaves in both of my tanks but i dont know what it is or if its bad.

Its pretty hard to describe but it looks almost like a single stem plant the size of a pin, white or almost see through in colour. You have to look extremely hard to see it but when you do, you start to notice 1000's. Iv tried really hard to get rid of it by wiping the inside of the tanks each water change and even washing some of the plastic plants but it just always seems to reappear.

I cant get a picture as it is much too small but am hoping someone might know what it is and how to get rid of it if its bad. In one tank i have corys who have been there for about 2 months and have started to spawn so must be happy (but could affect the baby fish if they hatch) and the other has 6 glowlight tetras who have been there for just over a week and sometimes chase each other and dart around (the tank is fully cycled and has ammonia = 0, Nitrite = 0, Nitrate = 0) so dont know if this has something to do with it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

No its actually very similar in looks to a flower, only almost microscopic. If you look very carefully its attached to objects (mainly the glass) by whats looks like a single stem. I have search everywhere on the net for a definite identification but no luck.

Im hoping its something common that is easy to get rid
Might be a shot in the dark but could it be a 'hydra':

Hi Shroob yea its pretty similar to that. The only difference is that mine look more like a cup at the top. But its definitely pretty close to that. I think they got introduced into my tank when i added filter media and pretty dirty water from their filter system (didnt know then not to add the dirty water) when i was doing the fishless cycle.

Every time when i think iv gotten rid of them with a clean they just come back. If they are hydra is this bad and how would i go about getting rid of them.

Thanks for the help
Here take a look at this: [URL="http://members.optushome.com.au/chelmon/Hydra.htm"]http://members.optushome.com.au/chelmon/Hydra.htm[/URL]

I know they are a pig to get rid of completely.

Thanks minxfishy, really good article. At last now i know what it is for sure. I guess my next problem is how i am going to get rid of it because my corys have spawned twice in a week. None of the first eggs hatched but this time theres 22 so might be a better chance.

I have never seen or heard any of the mentioned products but hopefully someone might know of something more readily available that would do the trick. Really want to get rid of these things for good.

Flubendozole 5% powder will eradicate Hydra in an instant. Just a little pin head sized blob of the powder is enough to zap a 36"tank. See the little blighters melt.
Flubendozole 5% powder will eradicate Hydra in an instant. Just a little iin sized blob of the powder is enough to zap a 36"tank. See the little blighters melt.

Hi BigC that sounds exactly like what I need. Any idea though where i could get it in Ireland (or the UK).

I did a google search and it doesn't bring up any options to purchase it.

Definately hydra. They usually come in on plants. Fluke tabs will get rid of them in short order. As a breeder, I have to be careful they they don't get into my fry tanks or they will eat rainbow fry.
Definately hydra. They usually come in on plants. Fluke tabs will get rid of them in short order. As a breeder, I have to be careful they they don't get into my fry tanks or they will eat rainbow fry.

Hi drobbyb yea they're a bloody pain. Im constantly trying to wipe down the glass and suck out them out but they just always seem to come back.

I want rid of them now though as the cory ave laid eggs.

Do you know of any brand of fluke tabs and are they readily available as they may be my best option.

Hi BigC that sounds exactly like what I need. Any idea though where i could get it in Ireland (or the UK).
If your sure its Hydra then PM me with your details and I'll send you some. (You wont need a lot)
Well go on tell us if the wonder powder did the job.

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