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  1. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    That's right, I'm going to kick Optimus Prime's ass.
  2. Skizzy

    Elvis The King

    Very pretty crowntail! I've always loved bettas with some green coloring but can never seem to find any. :( The last pic there is my fav. He certainly looks a bit like an Elvis. :P
  3. Skizzy

    Meet Ghost!

    Such pretty fins! You should breed him. :P
  4. Skizzy

    Sponge Filters

    Ahhh, okay thanks, guys. :) I got him a new heater today too so he should be quite happy. Especially after the bloodworms I got him, he sucks those things up like a vacuum and will try to eat more when his mouth is already full. :lol:
  5. Skizzy

    My Fire Bellied Toads

    Well, I don't have any fire bellied toads, but I always thought they were cute little buggers. That first pic is real nice. :lol: I've only ever had albino African clawed frogs and, now, an albino Pacman frog. Huh, I think I have a thing for albinos... :huh:
  6. Skizzy

    Nightwish - Ljubljana Slovenia 4.3.08

    Here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I'm not sure where else they're performing.
  7. Skizzy

    Sponge Filters

    Well I didn't see anything in the FAQ, so I figured I'd ask. I just got my betta a new 2.5 gallon tank, and I bought him a sponge filter for it as well. This is the one I bought. Except I got mine for $13 at a LPS. I'm still pretty new to keeping bettas. So I just wanted to know, are these...
  8. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Haha, why's that? :lol: You're pictures amuse me. :P
  9. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Here's a good one of me. No modeling OR makeup. :hey: Wal-Mart is more fun than it should be.
  10. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    I dunno. Maybe models and photographers all have a thing for betta fish. :P
  11. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Wilder: Your daughter's cute, so surely you must have passed on some cute qualities. :lol:
  12. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Man, this topic got huge fast. :lol: People just love pictures I guess, the visual critters we are. :P
  13. Skizzy

    Nightwish - Ljubljana Slovenia 4.3.08

    Nice pics. I'm going to see them this May. :D
  14. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    JAIDEN. I'm Canadian! :hyper: Kind of. :lol:
  15. Skizzy

    Hm X Vt Spawn

    That was interesting. It'll be neat to see what they turn out to look like! I've been considering breeding my combtail but, like Jaiden, I have a lot to research first. :teacher:
  16. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    I dabble in photography, yet I can't take a decent picture of my betta to save my life.
  17. Skizzy

    Betta Tail Types

    Yep, mine's a combtail. His rays aren't like that of a crowntail. :)
  18. Skizzy

    Swim Bladder Disorder

    Yeah I've been trying to put more variety in his diet and I was looking at heaters and filters at the store today. Thanks! ^_^
  19. Skizzy

    Swim Bladder Disorder

    My last betta, Mr. Miyagi, died of a swim bladder problem caught too late. :( I'm about 95% sure that's what was wrong. I have a new betta now, named Sato, and I'm wondering... are there any ways to prevent swim bladder problems? I'm sure there are, but I'm still relatively new to keeping...
  20. Skizzy

    My Pacman Isn't Eating

    Yeah, I knew that they're supposed to be kept alone, I have researched them a lot. I know they're not terribly active, I wasn't expecting him to be, but I thought he might at least move to his water once or twice by now. :/ I'm sure the urine retention wasn't a big deal, it just surprised me...
  21. Skizzy

    Betta Tail Types

    The combtail picture isn't showing up anymore. :( I googled some pictures though, and I can't tell whether my new betta is a combtail or a crowntail. :unsure:
  22. Skizzy

    My Pacman Isn't Eating

    UPDATE: He finally ate the pinkie today! I had noticed he looked really bloated and his skin seemed stretched thin. I picked him up to move him so I could put a little house in there for him, and suddenly he released a whole lot of pee and the bloating went away and he was normal looking...
  23. Skizzy

    My Magnificant Boy -- Finley

    That's an amazing picture, fish are so hard to photograph. :lol: He's very pretty. :)
  24. Skizzy

    Meet Aiden

    Haha, it does look like he's smiling, that's cute. :fun:
  25. Skizzy

    Name My Betta

    Name him Charon, it's a Greek name meaning "fierce brightness." :lol: He looks a lot like my betta but I think mine has more blue.
  26. Skizzy

    My Pacman Isn't Eating

    I just got my new Pacman frog, Gilgamesh, Friday, but he still hasn't eaten any of the crickets. I THINK he may have eaten one but it could also just be that the cricket is hiding. We bought him a pinkie today to see if he would prefer that but he won't touch it. I've heard it's not that...
  27. Skizzy

    Meet Aiden

    He's a pretty one. Yeah, that split in his tail doesn't look quite right. :/ But at least he'll have a better home now. :)
  28. Skizzy

    Help Me Pick A Name!

    Haha, Captain Morgan. :lol: But that rum is Bacardi! :P I've been thinking I might name him Sota, after Mr. Miyagi's rival in the Karate Kid 2 movie, since my other betta was named Mr. Miyagi. This new betta seems pretty agressive, so I thought it kinda fit. :P What do you guys think?
  29. Skizzy

    Frogs Help Me!

    Well I would personally recommend either African Dwarf Frogs or African Clawed Frogs. :) I owned two albino African Claweds and loved them. They're usually pretty cheap (mine were $10 each) and they're easy to care for as well. They're aquatic frogs though so be prepared to care for the tank...
  30. Skizzy

    Help Me Pick A Name!

    Nova sounds neat, I think I'll consider that one. :nod:
  31. Skizzy

    Help Me Pick A Name!

    I got my new betta yesterday, but I've yet to decide on a name for him. My last betta was named Mr. Miyagi both because I loved the movie character and in memory of Pat Morita. :P So, do any of you guys have any good ideas for names? I'm up for any suggestions. Though I've found photographing...
  32. Skizzy

    Is My New Betta Okay?

    Alright, I cleaned his tank water and though he seems to be doing a little better, he still doesn't quite stay upright. He'll either rest on his side a little or a bit on his tail. :/ He usually hangs around the bottom but he has no problem swimming up to the top for air or if something...
  33. Skizzy

    Is My New Betta Okay?

    I do not have his tank heated in any way because someone said that a heater would probably be unnecessary for such a small tank and that it may get too hot around the heater. But, should I get a heater then? I'm going to clean his tank today and see if that has any affect on him. It's just...
  34. Skizzy

    My Newest Girl

    Hm, I dunno. What kinda name do you wanna go for? Something cute and simple or something more elegant sounding?
  35. Skizzy


    Good to know she's doing better. :nod:
  36. Skizzy

    Is My New Betta Okay?

    I just got a new betta today. He was very lively and healthy-looking at the store. Now that he's in his new home here, he just sits at the bottom on his rear end, like he's standing on his tail fin. I've never had a betta that did this, so I'm kinda puzzled. I know a lot of times bettas will...
  37. Skizzy

    Airstone Questions

    Ah, good point. The only other time I ever had a heater was with my albino african clawed frogs and I believe they had a 5 gallon tank and they loved the heater, so I hadn't put much thought toward the water getting too hot in a smaller tank. I probably won't bother with it then, but if I find a...
  38. Skizzy

    Airstone Questions

    Yeah, I guess not. I paid around $19 for the 1 gallon tank. A 2 gallon tank would be around $30 or so maybe? I need to check on a heater too, though. I think for now I may simply get another betta until I can invest the time and money I want into more aquarium and fish research. Thanks for your...
  39. Skizzy

    Airstone Questions

    Ah, thanks. I suppose I could always take the airstone out and get a new betta. :) As much as I'd love a bigger tank and more fish, I need to save my money and my apartment is tiny. :/
  40. Skizzy

    Airstone Questions

    Hallo. In case you haven't guessed, I am relatively new to this fun hobby, and since I couldn't find any good, reliable answers on other sites, I came here. My betta died today, and I believe it was a swim bladder disorder that was caught too late. A few weeks ago I bought him a bigger tank (1...