Airstone Questions


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Hallo. In case you haven't guessed, I am relatively new to this fun hobby, and since I couldn't find any good, reliable answers on other sites, I came here.

My betta died today, and I believe it was a swim bladder disorder that was caught too late. A few weeks ago I bought him a bigger tank (1 gallon) with an airstone. I've now heard that they're not crazy about airstones and that they're stressed out by them. Is this true? Could it have contributed to my betta's death?

I hope to get another fish or more soon. What kinds of fish would do well in a 1 gallon tank with an airstone? I wouldn't mind a dwarf frog, but I hear airstones are bad for them as well. Are there any other small amphibians/reptiles out there that would do well in my tank?

Any help is much appreciated.
Siamese fighting fish come from small stationary pools of water so they aren't really keen on being in tanks with airstones bubbling away. They will tolerate them if there is room for the fish to swim around and do its own things without coming near the airstone. But in a small container it could have upset him. However, it is unlikely to have caused its demise.

There aren't really any fish you can keep in a small 1gallon container with an airstone. Siamese fighting fish or Paradise fish are about the only ones that survive in this size container. Even then you are better off getting something bigger so there is more water. The more water you have the more stabile the environment and the better it is for the fish. If possible try to get a container that holds at least 10 litres (2.5gallons) of water.
Ah, thanks. I suppose I could always take the airstone out and get a new betta. :) As much as I'd love a bigger tank and more fish, I need to save my money and my apartment is tiny. :/
going from a 1 to a 2 gallon container isn't going to take up much more space. And the price difference is usually minimal.
Yeah, I guess not. I paid around $19 for the 1 gallon tank. A 2 gallon tank would be around $30 or so maybe? I need to check on a heater too, though. I think for now I may simply get another betta until I can invest the time and money I want into more aquarium and fish research. Thanks for your help.

But I would certainly spring for the 2 gallon tank if someone here were willing to buy my 1 gallon tank and my starter betta tank off me, even if they are just flower vases to you guys. :p Oh well. I must think up a new name for my next betta now.
do you really need a heater in such a tiny space? if you do have one be careful because the water round the heater can get very very hot, so set it to a low heat.
Ah, good point. The only other time I ever had a heater was with my albino african clawed frogs and I believe they had a 5 gallon tank and they loved the heater, so I hadn't put much thought toward the water getting too hot in a smaller tank. I probably won't bother with it then, but if I find a really small one I might get it. Keep it on a low setting and see how the fish likes it. Thanks!
If you have a Petsmart near you, they sell a 2gal plastic bowl for 10$. Its what I have for my betta in my college dorm, big enough to use a 25watt heater in too, since stable temps for bettas are best, you can always stick a desk lamp over it for some light too.

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