My Pacman Isn't Eating


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
I just got my new Pacman frog, Gilgamesh, Friday, but he still hasn't eaten any of the crickets. I THINK he may have eaten one but it could also just be that the cricket is hiding. We bought him a pinkie today to see if he would prefer that but he won't touch it.

I've heard it's not that unusual for them not to eat for a month or two, especially after moving into a new home, but it still has me a bit worried.

He won't move either. Since we put him in his new terrarium he won't move from the one spot he burrowed in, not even to take a dip in his water dish or anything. Is he just really shy? He had a tankmate that I believe was a sibling in his terrarium at the pet store, could it be that he's lonely? I know you're supposed to keep them alone after they reach a certain size but you never know.

Also, if he doesn't eat the pinkie, I refuse to let it die, so does anyone want a pet mouse? :p

So does anyone know a lot about Pacman frogs here that could help me? :/
UPDATE: He finally ate the pinkie today!

I had noticed he looked really bloated and his skin seemed stretched thin. I picked him up to move him so I could put a little house in there for him, and suddenly he released a whole lot of pee and the bloating went away and he was normal looking again. He had been holding it in a while. :blink: And it was after that that he finally ate the pinkie.

So now that I know he's okay, as far as eating goes, what was the deal with him holding in his pee for so long? Do they normally do that? Am I misting him too much? :blink:
I dont know much about Horned (Pacman) frogs, ive never kept them, but I know enough to help.
They should not be kept in groups. It can work with two females of identical size, but males can fight and females grow bigger and faster than males so you shoudent mix the sexes, exept for breeding.
About the movement question, they dont do it. A happy frog is a motionless one. In the wild they are abmush predators and will sit there until something small and tasty comes along, them BAM, theve got it. The only time they move it to get water, move to a better hunting place or when someone moves them. I remember at the place where I did my work experience they had a small Horned frog who they had to move every week because he just diddent move and people became conserned that he was dead.
As for the urine retention, not a clue. He was possibaly scared by being picked up, a lot of animals urinate when they are scared to loose weight and allow them to move away from the attacker more quickly.
I hope this provides some help at least for you.
Do you have a scientific name for the species? There are a couple sold over here, and a coulple of different ones sold accross the pond.
Yeah, I knew that they're supposed to be kept alone, I have researched them a lot. I know they're not terribly active, I wasn't expecting him to be, but I thought he might at least move to his water once or twice by now. :/

I'm sure the urine retention wasn't a big deal, it just surprised me that he would hold in so much to where he was practically twice his normal size. :blink: He seems pretty content and I keep his terrarium comfortable for him and since he's eating and there are no obvious signs of something wrong, I'm guessing he's okay.

I believe the scientific name for mine is Ceratophrys cranwelli. Thanks for the help.

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