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    ok, thank you. Both of my tanks are at a temperature of 26C. Lol, so they can breed under 3 months? just best not to?
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    ok thank you. and i have two tanks one that is 58litres and one that is 30litres. i have been told that they are big enough to breed the two fish i have chosen to breed.
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    ok thank you. and is that the same with mollies? also whats the best temperature for breeding mollies and guppies?
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    hey, i know i said i was going to breed platy's and mollies but one of my mums friends has said she could give me some guppies if i wanted, as she has lots as they just keep breeding in her tank. So im now going to breed guppies and mollies. Anyhow, i was wondering what is the youngest age a...
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    My Parrot

    hey, yeah my macaw, i had to get rid of him as he was Too noisy and just didnt have the time for him. He was a lovely bird though. i would have another one if i could afford one, but cant.
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    My Parrot

    aww, what a shame to lose such a pretty parrot, even if it did have a temper. yeah my bird also trys to get my hair. and the types of parrots that i had were a hands macaw. noisy and he also started to swear, so not very good. then we had a meyers, and also a ruppells. the macaw was called...
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    My Parrot

    Aww he is SOO cute! i love birds. used to have a few parrots but only got a bad tempered female cockatiel, although she will sit on my shoulder, but i have to watch my ears as she likes to go for my earrings. But your parror is an absolute beauty. love the colour of him!
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    Fry Tank

    yeah sorry i did mean 12g tank not litres.
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    Breeding And Pregnant Fish

    i havent got a picture of the fish, but can get one. And the fish are a molly and a platy...
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    Breeding And Pregnant Fish

    hey i was wondering as i am getting my fish that i am breeding soon and when the female is pregnant, i am going to put her into another tank to have the fry then move her. i was wondering how many days before she gives birth shall i move her as i dont want to move her and find out that she has...
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    Fry Tank

    hey well i have just bought a new 12l tank with everything needed. is this big enough? i hope so..
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    Fry Tank

    okidoki. I'll try and get a new tank...thanks
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    Fry Tank

    I im going to start breeding mollies and platys, and im getting a breeding net. I was wondering do i have to get another tank? or can i leave the fry in the breeding net until old enough to be able to go with the parents. What would be best?
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    Breeding Fish

    ok thanks alot. great help! ^_^
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    Breeding Fish

    ok thanks thats a great help. also if i was to breed mollies how would i do about stopping them eating the fry when breeding as i have heard and read that they tend to eat there fry.
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    Breeding Fish

    thanks, and thomas i have thought of getting both but wasnt sure if i could put both in a 57litre tank for them to breed in..? and i am also ither getting a breeding net or another fish tank to put the fry in when then are born so that they dont get harmed and cared for better. also what type...
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    Breeding Fish

    Hey, i have decided that i want to start breeding fish. I want to breed ither Platy's or Mollies...which would be better and easier? I love both kinds of fish, but prefer mollies but if platys are easier then i will go with them. Also i was wondering if i was to get mollies to breed would i...
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    My Tank...

    Hi, i have a tank that has a size of H-32cm, L-60cm, W-30cm. I have been told that would be a 15Gallon US, 57 that correct? and how many gallons would that be in the UK? I also have a flying fox in my tank at the moment. (which is definatly a flying fox not a SAE or a false SAE as...
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    Help Please, Flying Fox Problem....

    oh ok. thanks, im still gonna check the stats of the water though. And just another question, could i put a cory in my tank?
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    Help Please, Flying Fox Problem....

    Hey, ok ill get a sample and get it checked asap. thanks.. and as for if it is a flying fox or one of the others, i have checked more than once and it is definatly a flying fox. not a SAE or a FalseSAE. so at least i know what the fish is...
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    My Tank

    ok thanks, so then what fish would you reccomend for a tank of this size.. i already have a flying fox, who has been on its own for a while now... soo.. I like the look of cory's, would one of those go with a flying fox? and any reccomendation of other fish that could go in the tank?? Thank you..
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    My Tank

    So then what is that in the UK??
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    My Tank

    Hey, i have a tank sized H-32cm, L-60cm, W-30cm. Could someone please tell me how many gallons that would be? Thanks
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    Help Please, Flying Fox Problem....

    well i changed the water only the other day, monday i think...
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    My Dachshund

    yh our epileptic dog is on medication but she still has fits every now and then, although i think that is to do with the fact that she forgets to give her the pills sometimes. (Stupid sister!) but she gets moaned at when ever she doesnt give her the medication, and has to look after Latte (her...
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    Help Please, Flying Fox Problem....

    Hey, today i have found out that my tank size is H- 32cm, L- 60cm and W- 30cm, which if im correct is a 45litre tank (10gallons)? just thought that may be of some help if anyone could help me... Thanks again
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    My Dachshund

    Hi, i have a 4year old dachshund who i love to bits, heres a pic of her --> my sister also has a dachshund who unforuatly happens to epileptic... but there still both cute...
  28. Betty1.jpg


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    Help Please, Flying Fox Problem....

    I've noticed something else with my flying fox, he has been staying in one corner near his cave, but will swim around when its dark, but when he is in the corner he looks as if hes feeling sorry for himself. Does that mean hes lonely? should i get another fish and see what he does? if so what...
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    Help Please, Flying Fox Problem....

    Hey, i know the ph is nautral 7, and that the temp is 26C. but im not quite sure about the others... as i have said in my first post i am kinda new to this, not had many tropical fish before, and before i had a flying fox, i have had mollies, a siamese fighting fish, platies, guppies, and that...
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    Help Please, Flying Fox Problem....

    Hey, could someone please help me, i have a flying fox in my tank (not sure how big the tank is but about average size - im kinda new to this compared to many people) anyway he has been on his own for many months now as the other fish that were in the same tank died, and i havent had time to...