My Parrot


Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2008
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Meet My Indian Ringneck parrot named Polsky Pickles.

Pickles is a great bird. He is very noisy and very loud it's hard to hear my TV most of the time but I love him to death. We have a grat bond.

When I leave I am told he screams his head off because he misses me. I have been trying to find a way to help him cope with me leaving. I usually leave the TV on to somewhat help.

Pickles is a very funny guy, he will walk accross his cage and twist himself into weird positions and do lots of tricks.

He is always on the go, always active and always doing something strange.

So here are some pictures of my little guy.






Aww he is SOO cute! i love birds. used to have a few parrots but only got a bad tempered female cockatiel, although she will sit on my shoulder, but i have to watch my ears as she likes to go for my earrings.
But your parror is an absolute beauty. love the colour of him!
Thank you! I love birds too. Oh I know the feeling about birds biting your ears. Mine does the same thing especially if my hair is in a pony tail he likes to snack on them and he has a big beak.

What kind of parrots did you have? I had another very crabby bad tempered ringneck named Rascal. I just lost him a month ago and I was devastated. But Pickles (my new one) is Rascals brother, I got him from the same breeder. But I love Pickles to peaces. He sure does bite hard though but he is just a very special bird.
aww, what a shame to lose such a pretty parrot, even if it did have a temper.
yeah my bird also trys to get my hair. and the types of parrots that i had were a hands macaw. noisy and he also started to swear, so not very good. then we had a meyers, and also a ruppells. the macaw was called Herman. The meyers was called Rambow (she had a temper on her only every liked me and my mum) and the ruppells was called Berty.
Aww, What happened to your Macaw? I alwaats what one. Was he really noisy?
My exboyfriend (when we were dating of course..) bought a baby severe macaw..Got very attached then 8 months later we broke up. She got sick shortly after that and they had to put her to sleep..I cried like a baby! Right now I'm house sitting for a friend and he has a zoo.. I mean it. List o animals:
1 piebald blue and gold macaw
1 yellow napped amazon
1 red headed mexican
1 rainbow lory
1 quaker
1 cockatiel
1 turtle
2 armadillo lizards
4 rats
1 bunny
1 cat

I love all the birds but I find them a little unpredictable..they'll be fine one minute and then nip you the next. For example; the blue anf gold loves me and lets me scratch her everywhere and the next sec I asked her to step up and she bit me..hard too!

:-( it hurt
hey, yeah my macaw, i had to get rid of him as he was Too noisy and just didnt have the time for him. He was a lovely bird though. i would have another one if i could afford one, but cant.
Yep, that's how it works. I'd second it, but I already nominated someone elts. He is very cute! I wish I could have a bird. Maybe when I move out.
Yep, that's how it works. I'd second it, but I already nominated someone elts. He is very cute! I wish I could have a bird. Maybe when I move out.

Well, I'd be happy to second the nomination, he's adorable. :good:
Thanks everyone if I do say so myself he sure is a cute little bugger even with that big loud mouth of his.

How did you come up with that name for him lol ?

Well my other parrot died, Rascal, I was devastated so that day I had to get another. Everyone reacts different to death. Well Rascal (the one who passed away) and Polsky Pickles is Rascals brother. I got them from the same breeder.

Now for the name. Rascal's nick name was always Green Pickles. So one day I was eating polsky pickles and that is how he got his name. So I named Polsky Pickles after his brothers nic name in his memory and Polsky was the name of the pickles I was eating.

Can I potm nominate? I'm not sure how it works. He is soooooooo cute!

Well, I'd be happy to second the nomination, he's adorable.

I don't know how to do that either!
I always wanted a parrot but never ever i have got round to it lol..

LOve yours :)
always wanted a parrot but never ever i have got round to it lol..

Well parrots require full attention and if you work a lot a parrot would not be right for you. They need constant attention or they withdrawal. Of course you can leave for a few hours.

When I leave or even go upstairs Pickles screams because I'm not with him. As soon as come back he demands me to greet him first and give him a peanut.

They also require patience because they are like a two year old and have a huge noise factor. If you like a quiet him pass on them, haha,

Why haven't you got one yet?

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