Help Please, Flying Fox Problem....


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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Hey, could someone please help me, i have a flying fox in my tank (not sure how big the tank is but about average size - im kinda new to this compared to many people) anyway he has been on his own for many months now as the other fish that were in the same tank died, and i havent had time to get any more.
So i was wondering if someone could help me as i have read in many places that they become very terriorial and may become aggressive to other fish.
He spends most of his time in a cave, but does come out and dart around often.
I have checked if he is a siamese flying fox or a false siamese flying fox but hes not hes just a regular flying fox.
Again so i was wondering if anyone could help me on giving me advice on whether i can put other fish into the tank if so what types of fish???

Thank you
Darting around the tank can we take a look at your water stats in ammonia,nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Hey, i know the ph is nautral 7, and that the temp is 26C. but im not quite sure about the others... as i have said in my first post i am kinda new to this, not had many tropical fish before, and before i had a flying fox, i have had mollies, a siamese fighting fish, platies, guppies, and that sort of fish.
I've noticed something else with my flying fox, he has been staying in one corner near his cave, but will swim around when its dark, but when he is in the corner he looks as if hes feeling sorry for himself. Does that mean hes lonely? should i get another fish and see what he does? if so what fish would be reccomended??
Hey, today i have found out that my tank size is H- 32cm, L- 60cm and W- 30cm, which if im correct is a 45litre tank (10gallons)?
just thought that may be of some help if anyone could help me...
Thanks again
If he darting about hiding and look sorry for himself he could have a parasite.
Need to look at your water stats first, as darting can be bad water quality.
Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

Is it possible for you to take a sample of water to the fish store and get them to test it for you? We need to know the actual readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH. The fish store will usually just say "they're fine" or someting like that but have them write down the actual readings. Also make sure they test with a liquid kit and not strips as strips are terribly inaccurate. You need to get yourself a good liquid master test kit that will test the same things I mentioned earlier.

As far as being territorial, it really depends on what fish you actually have. There are 3 fish that are extremely similar that are sold as flying foxes or Siamese algae eaters. The key is the stripe on the side and where it starts and stops. This link has a good explanation of the differences.
Hey, ok ill get a sample and get it checked asap. thanks..
and as for if it is a flying fox or one of the others, i have checked more than once and it is definatly a flying fox. not a SAE or a FalseSAE. so at least i know what the fish is...
From my understanding, the FF will be fine with other fish although it may chase them some but probably won't tolerate others of it's own species.
oh ok. thanks, im still gonna check the stats of the water though. And just another question, could i put a cory in my tank?

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