Breeding And Pregnant Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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hey i was wondering as i am getting my fish that i am breeding soon and when the female is pregnant, i am going to put her into another tank to have the fry then move her. i was wondering how many days before she gives birth shall i move her as i dont want to move her and find out that she has aborted the fry.
hey i was wondering as i am getting my fish that i am breeding soon and when the female is pregnant, i am going to put her into another tank to have the fry then move her. i was wondering how many days before she gives birth shall i move her as i dont want to move her and find out that she has aborted the fry.

Have you got a picture of the fish?
i havent got a picture of the fish, but can get one. And the fish are a molly and a platy...
What i would do is, when you have the fish and can post a picture, let us know then and we can give you more accurate information on what to do :)

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