Fry Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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I im going to start breeding mollies and platys, and im getting a breeding net. I was wondering do i have to get another tank? or can i leave the fry in the breeding net until old enough to be able to go with the parents. What would be best?
I im going to start breeding mollies and platys, and im getting a breeding net. I was wondering do i have to get another tank? or can i leave the fry in the breeding net until old enough to be able to go with the parents. What would be best?
Hi, It prob best to get another tank to put them in, or put the mother in when she is ready to drop them & when she has finished put her back in her own tank.
it would be best to get another tank, 10g minimum so the fry can be fed and cared for without the other fish eating the food. And a seperate tank gives the fry more room to swim in, instead of a small breeding net.

Youll want a breeding net at first though.

A new tank isn't essential. If you don't get one, I would say get two breeding traps. When one gets dirty (which it will ver quickly), you can just move the fry to the other and vice versa.
A new tank isn't essential. If you don't get one, I would say get two breeding traps. When one gets dirty (which it will ver quickly), you can just move the fry to the other and vice versa.

Not essential but definitely better. Anyway, any excuse for another tank, thats what i say!
You would only have to leave them in the trap for about 4-6 weeks then you can put them with adults..

I would just get another tank persoanlly as you will end up overcrowding the one you have now :)
hey well i have just bought a new 12l tank with everything needed. is this big enough? i hope so..
12 litre is only going to be big enough to home 1 drop till they reach juvenile age 4-6 weeks old then its going to be so cramped, a 12 gallon would of been more sufficient

Hopefully you meant 12 gallon and not 12 litre
yeah sorry i did mean 12g tank not litres.

12g is fine for raising the fry in m8, i dont know if anyone has suggested this to you yet so i will lol...

Before you place the females in the fry tank to have her fry... pack one side of the tank with plants so the fry have somewhere to hide as there mother may eat them,,, giving them cover will give them a lot better chance of not being eaten...

You could add some other stuff as well, like a few bits of slate for them to hide under.. or anything they can hide in/under...

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