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    My Platy

    yeah i know the two pics give different colours. strange really. but shes more of the colour of the bottom pic and shines a bluey colour when in the light.
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    My Platy

    i know shes preggers. Shes already had 20fry about a month ago. And gave birth to 3 live fry and 10 undeveloped fry. and only 1 survived out of the 3 live fry. and now she just swims around like mad being a fat greedy pregnant fish. Colin, she doesnt have a mickmouse tail, its just black. Also...
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    My Platy

    hey, this is my female platy. just wondering, what colour would you say she is? although she looks alot paler than she does in the pics. there taken with my phone so there not that good.
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    Do Fish Sleep?

    ok. well i dont have any parrot fish so i dont get jelly bags. if anything in my tank that stays still its probally my plec during the day. and sometimes the ottos. but otherwise my guppies, flagfish and platies are always swimming about. unless they sleep when i dont see them. because most of...
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    Do Fish Sleep?

    cool. i've never seen my fish lean to one side for having the light turn off. but i'll look better next time.
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    Do Fish Sleep?

    Hey. i have been wondering about this for a while now, as i have my three tanks in my room. I know it may sound like a silly questions but do fish sleep? as when ever i go to bed and look at my tanks my fish just seem to carry on swimming like they would if the light was on. So if anyone could...
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    Betta Tank...temps

    hey. i bought one of those 15litre tanks from Aldi the other day. And is currently trying to get a bit of money together to get a heater. But for the meantime i have put a thermometer in it to see what the temp is. The temp has stayed at a constant 24-26C. is this normal for a cold water tank...
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    Pregnant Platy Giving Birth Now!

    hey. My female blue platy is giving birth now. she is currently in a breeding trap, and has had about 8 fry so far, but more to come, i hope as she is VERY fat. Anyway, she has also dropped a few eggs. atleast i think there eggs as there round and yellow, and i dont remember putting anything in...
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    Selling Fish

    ok. thanks. i'll wait then.
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    Selling Fish

    hey, i was wondering. Can you sell fry at any age or is there an age where it is best to sell them at? As i have around 20 Blue Platy Fry. all comment welcome. thanks
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    New 15litre Tank

    ok thanks, i'll try and find somewhere, if not i may have to wait a while. thanks anyway
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    New 15litre Tank

    cool, i'll get a heater and see if i can get some of those then, do you have any idea where i may be able to find some?
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    New 15litre Tank

    cool, are those Heterandria formosa tropical? they sound nice
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    New 15litre Tank

    do shrimps need a heater?
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    New 15litre Tank

    so, dont get the minnows? and if 15l is too small for goldfish, and is a bit too small for betta's then why do people bother making tanks that are too small too hold fish? also is there any fish that will go in my 15litre tank and wont be bothered by it?
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    New 15litre Tank

    so how many white cloud mountain minnows would you advise to put in?
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    Cheap Great Tank For A Betta! Now With 2 Pics!

    i got one of these earlier, and have it up and running, getting it cycling before fish can go in. i got mine at about 11:00am, and there were loads in the shop. not sure now, but there didnt seem to be many people buying them at the time. anyway, im happy one more tank for my room.
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    New 15litre Tank

    ok thanks, i think the minnows are cute anyway. i just thought i might check on what fish i could put in it. thanks for the help. are there different types of minnows or is it only the cloud mountain ones that can go in coldwater?
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    New 15litre Tank

    hey, i have bought one of those 15litre tanks today from Aldi, and dont have enough money to get a heater so i cant get a betta. (as i was going to) Anyway, i have heard that Minnows can go in cold or tropical tanks. And i also like the look of Bubble eye goldfish. Anyway, i was wondering, are...
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    yeah thats what i have, but are quite small, my LFS had them under Laetacara curviceps Flagfish.
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    they are normally know as the American Flagfish, but mine are Laetacara curviceps "Dwarf FlagFish" and look something like this: Oh, and as for my pleco, i think it is a sailfin pleco, and i have heard that they can grow quite big, so when it outgrows my tank i will have to get rid of it...
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    ok thanks, i think i'll leave it for now then. My Flag fish still have a bit of growing to do so i think i may just leave it at that. thanks again
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    hey, i was wondering, is there any small fish that will swim around the middle of my tank? i already have 4 guppies, 3 platies, 3 flagfish, 4 ottos and a pleco. my tank is 59litres. all comments welcome. thanks
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    Wanting To Start A Betta Tank.

    hey, it is about 15litres. smaller than my other two tanks so thats why i called it smallish..
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    Wanting To Start A Betta Tank.

    Hey, i am thinking of starting a betta tank, as i have a smallish hexagonal tank somewhere under my bed. anyhow, what type of betta is best? do i need a heater? or can they live without heaters? all comments welcome. thanks
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    Pleco Id Needed

    ok, so how fast do they grow? if they grow fast would it be best for me to take it back so that it can go to a better home where it would have the space to grow?
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    Pleco Id Needed

    could someone plese tell me what type of pleco this is. the pics are not amazing so if you could do your best and work with them. also if you know what type it is could someone please tell me how big it will grow to, and how soon i would need to rehome it if needed. i have a 59litre tank. tank...
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    Feeding My Fish

    ok, thanks boboboy for all your help, and everyone else. and i have managed to get a pic of my pleco, so if anyone can tell me what type it is that would be a great help. ta. its not a very clear pic so dont expect anything amazing. ok, thanks boboboy for all your help, and everyone else...
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    Feeding My Fish

    my plec is about 2.5inches, not that big at all.. how big can they grow? and im not sure what type it is all i know is that its darish brown with lightish brown spots, and i dont know if the lady at my lfs said what type it was, or if she did then i must have miss heard her. but anyway, so you...
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    Feeding My Fish

    hey, i have a 59litre tank with 3 guppies (1 male 2 female), 3 platies (1 male 2 female), 4 albino otto's and a plec (not sure what type but i think it may be a common or leopard as it is darkish brown with lightish brown spots) anyway, i was wondering, will these fish be alright to have a slice...
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    My Tank Of Platies And Guppies

    yeah i did really want the to help clean up some of the algae. are there any other algae eaters that would go nicely in me tank.
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    My Tank Of Platies And Guppies

    hey. i was wondering i really like the look of a Gold Algae Eater, how well would they go with the fish i currently have in my tank? i have 3 platies (2 female 1 male) and 1 male guppy. (but getting 3 females next week.) my tank is 58 litres. thanks
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    My Tank Og Platies And Guppies.

    sorry didnt mean to post it in here. only realised once it was posted.
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    My Tank Og Platies And Guppies.

    hey. i was wondering i really like the look of a Gold Algae Eater, how well would they go with the fish i currently have in my tank? i have 3 platies (2 female 1 male) and 1 male guppy. (but getting 3 females next week.) my tank is 58 litres. thanks
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    New Fish

    Woo. i have fry now! she gave birth yesterday afternoon. got about 20 at the moment. thats if i have counted right. but she still has quite a dark gravid patch. so more on the way i hope!
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    New Fish

    ok thank you, thankfully my breeding trap came today so i am going to put her in it tonight and see if she drops. and as for any clearer pictures, as i only have my mobile to take photos with at the moments im afraid i cant really get any better ones.
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    New Fish

    hey, today i bought some new fish today, 3 platy's (2 female and 1 male). anyway one of the females looks quite heavily pregnant. i am starting to breed them but am still waiting for my breeding trap and something to repair my fry tank that i have ordered to come. i feel a little worried about...
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    i woke up just before the quake happened, as my bird was going mental making loads of noise and then the quake happened. I could feel my bed move! scared me. this was at 1am
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    hey, i will wait until the guppies are atleast 3 months old. and with the mollies i will also wait. so you say that there better at 22-24C. i guess i'll leave my tanks at 26C and see how they get on.