New Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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hey, today i bought some new fish today, 3 platy's (2 female and 1 male). anyway one of the females looks quite heavily pregnant.
i am starting to breed them but am still waiting for my breeding trap and something to repair my fry tank that i have ordered to come.
i feel a little worried about my new fish that is pregnant as on of my guppies (the male one) keeps following her and looks as if he is annoying her.
What can i do to help?
and with these pics can anyone tell me how far pregnant she is?
she is a neon blue platy.


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Her shape suggests to me that she's close but it's still kinda hard to say for sure because it's a really blurry picture.

Can you possibly get a better one?
i have a group of platies in a ten gallon tank and before i knew it i saw baby platies hiding under my plastic plants, as long as there is plenty of hiding places most of the babies should survive
She looks like she is going to drop soon. You can tell this even with the blurry picture because the size of her. The gravid spot looks quite dark as well.
If you get a better pic I could give you a more accurate prediction.
Duck and dive is right, she is gonna drop anytime soon...

Although dont go by the gravid spot, it can be very misleading, always go by the size.
ok thank you, thankfully my breeding trap came today so i am going to put her in it tonight and see if she drops. and as for any clearer pictures, as i only have my mobile to take photos with at the moments im afraid i cant really get any better ones.
Woo. i have fry now! she gave birth yesterday afternoon. got about 20 at the moment. thats if i have counted right. but she still has quite a dark gravid patch. so more on the way i hope!

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