

Enthusiastic "Re-Beginner"
Jan 4, 2008
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Chapel Hill, NC, USA
BBC reports a bit of a shake in a lot of UK places

Wondering if any of our UK friends had their tanks shaken up...

Hoping it was small, ~~waterdrop in north carolina~~
Went to work this morning and everyone was saying 'Did you feel the quake last night???' :hyper: I slept through the whole thing! :zz :zz Even my son who sleeps about 6 ft from me in the next room said his bed and everything else rattled!! Guess I must be a heavy sleeper! Wish I had felt it, not often we get quakes over here that we can actually feel, would have been a weird experience. Wouldn't like to be in a bad one though, that would be terrible!

Oh yeah, my tank seems fine, fish swimming about as normal.
I was in the middle of a Stargate SG-1 Season 1 marathon when the 1st quake came, and it scared the pants outa me. I got outa bed and went straight to the tanks, my guppies looked a little shaken up so I gave them a little food and carried on watching SG-!, about 4am the 2nd wave hit but that wasn't so bad.

This morning when I woke up everything seemed fine and back to normal so I guess it was just the initial big wave that scared them. I've been keeping an eye on them over the day so far today and they are all pretty lively.

Living in Lincoln I felt it pretty hard and it was an experience but not one I particularly want again.

lol yeh, at 1am the earth moved :hyper: scared the whole house, though its not he first one i have been trough, it was quite a shake. you should have seen the water in my main tank, slopping about, only a little came out, but it sent the fish into a panic, the tank looked like Piccadilly Circus for about 5 minutes
Didn't feel anything, but the noise woke me up; just thought it was thunder until I put the radio on when I got up at 4.30; the cat and the fish slept through it all..........
i woke up just before the quake happened, as my bird was going mental making loads of noise and then the quake happened. I could feel my bed move! scared me. this was at 1am
They say it happened here in wales too, but never heard a thing, i've never been caught in one, i wouldn't mind it though, would be kind of cool :shifty:
They say it happened here in wales too, but never heard a thing, i've never been caught in one, i wouldn't mind it though, would be kind of cool :shifty:
lol yep, it not too bad here, in the UK. you get shaken up but damage is usually very slight. oddly though we have about 12 quakes a month centred on the UK.
i was in the earthquake i woke up jus b4 as the dog was houlin an barkin an generally goin mad lol so i went to see he was ok i got there an the ground started to shake i dived an clung to the dog 4 dear life. I also heard a loud smashing noise which nearly gave me a heart attach i thought i was the tank but it was the window few. i was so scared this is at about 1am lol then ran to see my tank they were goin mad but i just turned there lights off which calmed them again lol i want anorther am not sleepin 2night lol :ninja:
guess we miss everything down south :shout:
tornados in birmingham quakes up thereish and normally miss all the gales :hey:
lol what's the Tornado capital of the world? the UK, more here than anywhere else, i guess they are not so big as some though. but if you are old enough, you may have gone through the closest thing to a hurricane the UK has had for millennia, but that was 1987
We woke up just before quake. The study door rattled for a few seconds before and then for a good while afterwards. Pretty scary. Fiskies seemed ok, guppies looked like they were snoring away but the scissortails were flying round the tank at 100mph. But it knocked off my thermometer and LED light switch on side of tank. My parents live about 8 miles away from Gainsborough and they said wardrobe doors were opening/closing like mad.
isnt it fascinating how the animals sense whhat is going to happen my fish were dancing around franticly just before and then there was the tremmor
it was like krakatoa the massive volcano in the 1800s the henns stopped laying a couple of days before eruption
isnt it fascinating how the animals sense whhat is going to happen my fish were dancing around franticly just before and then there was the tremmor
it was like krakatoa the massive volcano in the 1800s the henns stopped laying a couple of days before eruption
not just animals too. i was talking to a friend who took his friends out into the garden, just before it happened. he maintains he heard it coming! in hindesight i guess the birds were a bit noisy just before. at the time i never gave it a thought.

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