

Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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hey, i was wondering, is there any small fish that will swim around the middle of my tank?
i already have 4 guppies, 3 platies, 3 flagfish, 4 ottos and a pleco.
my tank is 59litres.

all comments welcome.

hey, i was wondering, is there any small fish that will swim around the middle of my tank?
i already have 4 guppies, 3 platies, 3 flagfish, 4 ottos and a pleco.
my tank is 59litres.

all comments welcome.

well a lot of people might not agree with me, but I love adding a few tetras..... Noens are good, but I espeaily enjoy the glowlight tetra.... Add about 4 or 5(they love to school together) and they will atrack the eye and are easy to keep. also they get along with almost anything, and guppies/platies interact well with them..

To be honest I think your at your max there. Especially once the livebearers start to breed.
Harlequin Rasbora A great mid-tank shoaling small fish


What plec do you have, most of them get far too big for your tank. I advise 30% water changes every 5-6 days with that sort of stocking level
I have three filters running on the tank and I do 40% water changes weekly. I do not reccommend beginners to do this. :(
ok thanks, i think i'll leave it for now then. My Flag fish still have a bit of growing to do so i think i may just leave it at that. thanks again
I'm not sure what flagfish are... do you know of any other names they go by? They sound interesting. :)
they are normally know as the American Flagfish, but mine are Laetacara curviceps "Dwarf FlagFish" and look something like this:

Oh, and as for my pleco, i think it is a sailfin pleco, and i have heard that they can grow quite big, so when it outgrows my tank i will have to get rid of it. shame really because i really like it. Anyhow, i do like the look of those Harlequin Rasbora, any ideas of how many i should get?
yeah thats what i have, but are quite small, my LFS had them under Laetacara curviceps Flagfish.
Interesting. Nice fish. :D

And yes, sailfin plecos do get large, somewhere around 20" I think.
For the rasboras, they do best in groups of at least 6.
I have three filters running on the tank and I do 40% water changes weekly. I do not reccommend beginners to do this. :(
I don't recomend ANYONE to do this!!!!

Look, I don't know why your getting so angry at me. :grr: YOU were the one suggesting to add more fish. I don't understand where my tank comes into play at all. Also, my tank is not as small as the original posters'.
I have three filters running on the tank and I do 40% water changes weekly. I do not reccommend beginners to do this. :(
I don't recomend ANYONE to do this!!!!

call me crazy, but maybe one large filter if that is possible! i def understand lots of filtration, especially if you have pleco's. my tank 55 and my 15 are set up for double to filtration of the what th tank says.

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