Feeding My Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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hey, i have a 59litre tank with 3 guppies (1 male 2 female), 3 platies (1 male 2 female), 4 albino otto's and a plec (not sure what type but i think it may be a common or leopard as it is darkish brown with lightish brown spots)
anyway, i was wondering, will these fish be alright to have a slice of cucumber as i have read in places that fish will eat cucumber.
anyway all comments welcome.
Yea, the plec and the otos will love it =)

You can either boil it to try to make it sink (as well as soften it up for them)
Or stick a metal spoon or something through it to get it to sink. Don't leave it in too long as it will start degrading and ruining the water.
Agreed, Cucumber is a good addition to any omnivorous fishs diet, Although courgette is much better has it contains more nourishment for them.

how big is the plec atm? if it is a common then it will eventually need rehoming as it will grow big,
my plec is about 2.5inches, not that big at all.. how big can they grow? and im not sure what type it is all i know is that its darish brown with lightish brown spots, and i dont know if the lady at my lfs said what type it was, or if she did then i must have miss heard her.
but anyway, so you would say that courgettes are better? if so i'll have to go shopping.
hey, i have a 59litre tank with 3 guppies (1 male 2 female), 3 platies (1 male 2 female), 4 albino otto's and a plec (not sure what type but i think it may be a common or leopard as it is darkish brown with lightish brown spots)
anyway, i was wondering, will these fish be alright to have a slice of cucumber as i have read in places that fish will eat cucumber.
anyway all comments welcome.
it will go down a storm with the pleco and, i am told, the otto's

Yea, the plec and the otos will love it =)

You can either boil it to try to make it sink (as well as soften it up for them)
Or stick a metal spoon or something through it to get it to sink. Don't leave it in too long as it will start degrading and ruining the water.
i see no reason to boil any veg you give the fish, a good wash is all that is needed, you can weigh them down as suggested. and unless you have a really bad filtration system, it is safe in the tank for several days, actually i have never heard of anyone having water problems because of leaving cucumber in too long.

Agreed, Cucumber is a good addition to any omnivorous fishs diet, Although courgette is much better has it contains more nourishment for them.

how big is the plec atm? if it is a common then it will eventually need rehoming as it will grow big,
oddly courgette and cucumber share, roughly the same nutritional and fibre content, though the courgette has less water. if anything, and it is marginal, the courgette is not so good, as slightly more of its energy is made up of sugars.

my plec is about 2.5inches, not that big at all.. how big can they grow? and im not sure what type it is all i know is that its darish brown with lightish brown spots, and i dont know if the lady at my lfs said what type it was, or if she did then i must have miss heard her.
but anyway, so you would say that courgettes are better? if so i'll have to go shopping.

oops you will run into trouble with the pleco. depending on what it is, it could reach over 18 inches possibly more. as for food, fresh/ frozen peeled peas, courgette, cucumber, lettuce, tomato (de seeded but with the skin) and even celery leafs go down well. all except the peas need weighting down, none need cooked and only the peas need peeled.
ok, thanks boboboy for all your help, and everyone else. and i have managed to get a pic of my pleco, so if anyone can tell me what type it is that would be a great help. ta. its not a very clear pic so dont expect anything amazing.



ok, thanks boboboy for all your help, and everyone else. and i have managed to get a pic of my pleco, so if anyone can tell me what type it is that would be a great help. ta. its not a very clear pic so dont expect anything amazing.


unfortunately for you that looks like a gibby to me, they can get to around 22inches plus

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