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  1. danon

    Another Algae Question

    Here is a couple of pics, as requested. Hope this helps, thanks so far :good:
  2. danon

    Another Algae Question

    Dave, I did do a fishless cycle, which was completed about 3 months ago. The break in the lighting was purely to try and cut down on the algae growth, as i thought this was the cause. Algae is a green colour, like i said i have not cleaned the glass since adding the Bristlenose, there is...
  3. danon

    Another Algae Question

    Soory all, my mistake :blush: Lights are on at 12:00, lunchtime till 2:00 afternoon. Then back on again at 7:00, evening until 11:00, EVENING In total 6 hours per day. As the tank is a Mbuna set-up there are NO plants. Lights are 2X36in 30W and 1x30inch 25W. Thanks for the help so far...
  4. danon

    Another Algae Question

    Evening all, Tank has been set up for just over 4 months, with Malawi cichlids. Coral sand and 40kilo of ocean rock. Since the tank was cycled i have had lots and lots of algae, over everything! I bought 2 Bristlenose catfish 3 weeks ago and they have COMPLETELY cleaned the glass, behind...
  5. danon

    Think My Yellow Labs Are Holding

    This is normal, not eating. Mine used to swim to the top at feeding time, just to be nosey, not to eat anything. Besides, it can't be easy with that lot in your mouth :rolleyes:
  6. danon

    Updated Pics

    chuts, The tank is an AquaStyle 980, 98X60X47cm It is a bit smaller than most people would recommend but, have kept fish to a minimum and chose the less aggresive and smaller mbuna, i guess time will tell. I used 25kg of coral sand and about 40kg ocean rock. Hope this helps you a little :good:
  7. danon

    Think My Yellow Labs Are Holding

    Congratulations :good: Here is a pic of my yellow Lab, holding. Afew days after this pic was taken, came home to find she had released them. :hyper:
  8. danon

    Stocking Advice, Please

    Thanks kj, youve been a great help, just hope they will exchange for 2 females, or just have them back :unsure:
  9. danon

    Stocking Advice, Please

    But, will it matter if they are younger? Going to miss the males, so colourful and they all have their little hiding places.
  10. danon

    Stocking Advice, Please

    OK, so will see if LFS will take them back. Is it best to try and get 3 more females? or get a different species and leave the male on his own? If i can get 3 more females, will it matter if they are younger than the male that is left? Again, thanks for the advice :good:
  11. danon

    Stocking Advice, Please

    I also checked the calculator and yes, you are right. Other people have also pointed this out, but according to the spec sheet that came with the tank, AquaOne 980, it says 215litres. When i 1st filled it i had 25kilo of Coral sand and 40kilo of Ocean rock and only managed to get 190litres in...
  12. danon

    Stocking Advice, Please

    Thanks for the advice, I have, 1male and 3female Labs 1male and 3 female Peacocks (decided that is what they must be) There should be 1male and 3female Cyno afra's but, i appear to have 2males, possibly 3 and only 1 female. 2 of them have their own territory were they have dug right under the...
  13. danon

    Stocking Advice, Please

    TANK SIZE, 98X60X47cm 215 litres Trickle Filter 40kilo ocean rock FISH, 4 Labs 4Cyno afra white top 4 Peacocks(not sure which ones) 2 Bristlenose Can i add any more fish or should i leave things as they are? If i can add more, any suggestions as to what kind? I would want similar fish in size...
  14. danon

    Updated Pics

    Thanks again kj23502, Reposted it as an id question. :good:
  15. danon

    Fish Id Please

    When i bought these fish 6 weeks ago, i was told they were Iodotropheus Sprengerae. After a recent post, people have said they are peacocks, anybody else have any ideas? I have 1 this colour, and 3 this colour, Thanks in advance.
  16. danon

    Updated Pics

    Thanks everyone, am very pleased with the ocean rock although the tank has been set-up for about 3 months, have had to remove the rock 3 times to clean off excessive algae!! Just bought 2 Bristlenose catfish and they seem to be doing a good job of cleaning up :good: This is my first tank, any...
  17. danon

    Fluval Roma 240

    Hi Demonlude, Looks a very nice tank, good size as well. If the bulbs are not suitable you can always replace with your own choice. What type of fish are you planning on keeping? Hope you are going to 'fishless cycle' first. :good:
  18. danon

    Updated Pics

    Correct kj23502 it is ocean rock, bought it from local garden centre. £30 for a 25kilo bag, all different sizes and colours. I used approximately 40kilo's. "Also, I think you have a peacock...Aulonocara stuartgranti (Hongi Is.) maybe? is it a juvie?" Could well be a peacock, not sure. Looks...
  19. danon

    Updated Pics

    Thanks kj23502, Here goes again, My Mbuna tank, Labidochromis Caeruleus- holding, The proud male, Cyno Afra White Top, The next pictures are supposed to be Iodotropheus Spregerae, can anyone confirm this? Hope this has worked, what do you all think?
  20. danon

    Updated Pics

    Here are a few pics of my tank and its occupants, what do you think? Should be 8 pics, first time downloading more than 1, here goes. OK so that didn't work, how can i show more than 1 picture at a time? I am using 'photobucket', cheers.
  21. danon

    Algae Eaters

    Hi rossyboy, The 2 i bought were just called Bristlenose Catfish, i read on here somewhere that they are ok with cichlids. Grow to about 6 inches. It is not possible to sex them when they are youngsters, but when they reach about 3" long the males develop bristles around the face. Hope this...
  22. danon

    I Have Babies?

    Evening all, I posted a topic a few weeks ago regarding my Labidochromis Caeruleus being pregnant, well they both WERE! Did a water change on 11th July and spotted 1 baby. As it was my first, my 5 year old daughter was so excited i had to do something before it became fish food for the others...
  23. danon

    Algae Eaters

    I just bought 2 Bristlenose at the weekend for my Mbuna tank. They absolutely love it, constantly attached to the rock and tank sides, doing a great job of cleaning up, already. :good: As soon as i put them in the tank, my Cyno afra's had a bit of a go at them but, they fought back and...
  24. danon

    My Mbuna Tank

    Just to add my 2 pennies worth, I use ocean rock, it looks great with all the little holes and hiding places BUT as darrel says after a month or so the damn stuff goes green and brown with algae. I have had to take all mine out a couple off times and power washed it in the garden, comes up ok...
  25. danon

    Is She Holding?

    I dont have the space or money to get another tank. I have just noticed in LFS that they sell a 'floating fish hatchery', it is only small, would this be ok to use or is it way too small?
  26. danon

    Is She Holding?

    Evening all, 2 of my Labidochromis Caeruleus have been acting rather strange lately, swim to the top at feeding time, but dont eat. Swimming about rather lethargic and under their mouths is becoming fatter( throat area ). 1 has just come to the front of tank , with mouth wide open and i am sure...
  27. danon

    Cyno Afra White Top

    Will post some pics, as soon as my brother lets me have my camera back!! :rolleyes:
  28. danon

    Cyno Afra White Top

    Evening all, I have 4 Cyno afra's, were supposed to be 1m and 3f but as their colours are coming out, i think i have 2males. Also 4 Labs and 4 Iodotropheus Spregerae (i think) 1 of the afra's is digging a hell of a lot, he has removed all the substrate from aroung the largest rock, down to...
  29. danon

    Question About Ammonia For Fishless Cycling...

    Sorry WillyRBeek but, ihave to agree with Lioness. Although i am no expert i think you should completely empty the water and thoroughly clean everything.
  30. danon

    Water Change

    I also use plastic builders buckets, NEW. Rinsed them with hot water and have had no problems so far.
  31. danon

    Question About Ammonia For Fishless Cycling...

    I would definitely not add any more, sorry i cant be of anymore help. Still learning myself. Hopefully Miss Wiggle, waterdrop, or others with more experience will help out.
  32. danon

    Question About Ammonia For Fishless Cycling...

    Tha Ammonia i used was in a clear brown bottle with no ingredients, all i did was to shake it, if it foams, it wont work. A few air bubbles that disappear immediately are ok. This is what rdd says in the fishless cycling thread.
  33. danon

    Fishless Cycle First Week Results

    I waited another 5 days before i added fish, wanted to be absolutely sure everything was ok, fishless cycling can produce different results, day by day!! Good luck, seems to be going very well :good:
  34. danon


    Just been to my lfs after a Bristlenose catfish to go in my mbuna tank, the guy told me neither a catfish or plec were suitable with the high pH, mine is 8.2. He said they need 7.5 or below. I am sure ive heard of people on here having the bristlenose with mbuna. It is just that the tank is...
  35. danon

    My 1st Fish

    Cheers darrel, While you are here, i understand that when you feed they should eat everything within a few minutes. Have been feeding twice a day but dont know if i am giving them enough, it usually goes within about 20 seconds! Just a pinch. Dont want to over feed and cause illness. When they...
  36. danon

    My 1st Fish

    Here is another, dont know how to post more than 1 sorry(idiot). :rolleyes:
  37. danon

    My 1st Fish

    Labidochromis caeruleus and Cyno afra white top. What do you think? Only been in the tank for 3 days and already got so much character. They approach the glass everytime i go near :good:
  38. danon

    Feeding Mbuna

    Cheers darrel, fish look fantastic, so pleased. When you feed cucumber do you blanche it first? Put it in in strips? Weight it down, if so how? Thanks again :good:
  39. danon

    Feeding Mbuna

    Just got my first fish :hyper: labidochromis caeruleus 1male 3 female cyno afra white top 1 male 3 female The food i have bought is, TETRA PRO VEGETABLE WITH SPIRULINA and TETRA PRIMA plus some frozen mysis etc. Is this ok and what do you feed yours?
  40. danon

    Water Hardness

    Cheers darrel, No fish at the moment, still cycling. :rolleyes: Hopefully getting some tomorow morning, if my test are ok tonight.