Feeding Mbuna


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Macclesfield (UK)
Just got my first fish :hyper:

labidochromis caeruleus 1male 3 female
cyno afra white top 1 male 3 female

The food i have bought is, TETRA PRO VEGETABLE WITH SPIRULINA and TETRA PRIMA plus some frozen mysis etc.

Is this ok and what do you feed yours?
Congrats!! :hyper:

Sounds great ... feed the mysis a cppl times a week at most though... :good:

I feed mine Tetra veggie flakes, Spirulina flakes, Hikari African pellets, cucumber, zuchini, i try spinach leaves but they dont seem to bother with it.. frozen shrimp/daphnia/rarely insect larvae and my home made European Shrimp Mix :D .. oh, and i feed them just once a day now. And the frozen stuff gets fed a cppl times a week at most, usually once.
Cheers darrel, fish look fantastic, so pleased.

When you feed cucumber do you blanche it first?
Put it in in strips?
Weight it down, if so how?

Thanks again :good:
i always use something with SPIRILUNA in.
or however you spell it.
first i used king brittish turtle sticks, because they had a high spirulina content and came in a big tub
but i havent seen them since so now i use
Hikari cichlid Excel - Spiriluna enriched. (has a blue ahli on the front and some peacocks) brilliant stuff they love it
and some
Nutrafin Spiriluna algae flakes
because of the mix i have, the smaller fish like the yellow labs and tropheus can eat the flakes but not the pellets.

if i was you, get a pellet and a flake food and just use some of each. then all your fish are being fed =) thats what i do
grats on the new fish, youve started the african obsession =P
can we get some pics up ?
i always use something with SPIRILUNA in.

It's spirulina. ;)

I feed hikari cichlid pellets, and then in another container I have mixed spirulina flakes, microcrab granules, and African Cichlid Attack granules. They occasionally get frozen brine shrimp or veggies. I feed twice a day.
Cheers darrel, fish look fantastic, so pleased.

When you feed cucumber do you blanche it first?
Put it in in strips?
Weight it down, if so how?

Thanks again :good:

No worries.. when i feed cucumber, i either weigh it down with some small plant weights to it sinks to the bottom, or stick a sucker on it and stick it to the glass.. They only eat the soft middle bit anyways. Also, sometimes it tends to make the water go a little milky, but should clear up over night.. mine always does.
Congrats!! :hyper:

Sounds great ... feed the mysis a cppl times a week at most though... :good:

I feed mine Tetra veggie flakes, Spirulina flakes, Hikari African pellets, cucumber, zuchini, i try spinach leaves but they dont seem to bother with it.. frozen shrimp/daphnia/rarely insect larvae and my home made European Shrimp Mix :D .. oh, and i feed them just once a day now. And the frozen stuff gets fed a cppl times a week at most, usually once.

I am assuming Zuchini is American for Courgette?

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