Stocking Advice, Please


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Macclesfield (UK)

215 litres
Trickle Filter
40kilo ocean rock

4 Labs
4Cyno afra white top
4 Peacocks(not sure which ones)
2 Bristlenose

Can i add any more fish or should i leave things as they are?
If i can add more, any suggestions as to what kind?
I would want similar fish in size and temperament, as the others.

Hi danon
considering the tank footprint is only 3x2 i'd say your already fully stocked.
I'd say the 3 feet is a limiting factor. but you do have a 2 feet wide, which is wider than the average 3 foot tank. I can't make up my mind. :huh:

If you're not planning to raise and sell babies then maybe you could get 3 or 4 albino labs. That would also get a hint of color.

I'm not sure if I'll be corrected or not for suggesting more fish. But imo, labs are the more peaceful mbuna. you could try it and if it turns out there's not enough territory for everyone then you could return some to the lfs or sell them.

the albinos and yellows will interbreed, that's why I said if you're NOT raising them to sell then go ahead.
I'd say the 3 feet is a limiting factor. but you do have a 2 feet wide, which is wider than the average 3 foot tank. I can't make up my mind. :huh:

If you're not planning to raise and sell babies then maybe you could get 3 or 4 albino labs. That would also get a hint of color.

I'm not sure if I'll be corrected or not for suggesting more fish. But imo, labs are the more peaceful mbuna. you could try it and if it turns out there's not enough territory for everyone then you could return some to the lfs or sell them.

IMO Peacocks are too big for your tank, as they are open water swimmers and when you have mbuna in there they will nearlly never use the rockwork, which may cause lots of stress to the fish.

Depending on your M:F Ratios I would be worried about your stocking, if they are all males then you will soon see deaths :|. IMO It is ok for more peaceful mbuna a.k.a Labs and Maybe the afra if you get the right M:F ratio which would be 1M to 3F
Depending on your M:F Ratios I would be worried about your stocking, if they are all males then you will soon see deaths :|. IMO It is ok for more peaceful mbuna a.k.a Labs and Maybe the afra if you get the right M:F ratio which would be 1M to 3F
yea what he said about ratios too. I guess it's not good assume everyone knows that. :good:
Thanks for the advice,

I have, 1male and 3female Labs

1male and 3 female Peacocks (decided that is what they must be)

There should be 1male and 3female Cyno afra's but, i appear to have 2males, possibly 3 and only 1 female. 2 of them have their own territory were they have dug right under the rock, down to the glass bottom! But even when the labs go underneath they don't seem bothered at all, they even share the same hole, without any fighting, just the occasional chase :shifty:

In a previous thread somebody said i may be able to get a few more, because of the unusually wide tank. This was before i got the Bristlenose.

As regards the Peacocks they seem very happy swimming about in the open space and they also have their little hiding places, amongst the rockwork.
your tank is actually 276Litres by the way according to the calculator at the top of the page :good:
I also checked the calculator and yes, you are right. Other people have also pointed this out, but according to the spec sheet that came with the tank, AquaOne 980, it says 215litres.

When i 1st filled it i had 25kilo of Coral sand and 40kilo of Ocean rock and only managed to get 190litres in :shifty:

So don't know what's going on there.

Any other suggestions?
OK, so will see if LFS will take them back.

Is it best to try and get 3 more females? or get a different species and leave the male on his own?

If i can get 3 more females, will it matter if they are younger than the male that is left?

Again, thanks for the advice :good:
But, will it matter if they are younger?

Going to miss the males, so colourful and they all have their little hiding places.
Thanks kj, youve been a great help, just hope they will exchange for 2 females, or just have them back :unsure:

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