Think My Yellow Labs Are Holding


Sep 22, 2007
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just looked at 1 of my yellow labs im sure it is a female and her chin is poking out as if there is something in her mouth
all the others look fine any pics or links is very much apreciated just to confirm this

edit : theres 8 yellow labs all different sizes and iv only had them a week
if you think she's holding she prob is!! :)

I was surprised when mine did that the first time....sure enough, it was holding :good: If you want to raise the babies, you can catch her w/a net and scoop her into a container to move her to a QT tank, if you one. If you don't, then don't worry about it.

just remember if you do move her make sure you have a filter available that's already cycled to put onto her tank :)
thanks for the reply she also hides alot im just going to let nature take its course for a bit until i have a well establishd tank

do you have a pic of urs holding so i can confirm it
it's on the last page(or maybe the page before?) in my african journal below.

quick edit
and mines not a yellow lab :lol: just re-read it and realized it sounds like mine is. It's a pundamilia nyererei :good:
Congratulations :good:

Here is a pic of my yellow Lab, holding.

Afew days after this pic was taken, came home to find she had released them. :hyper:

ok my fish's chin looks a bit redder though is this because its her 1st time maybe
like 2 to 4 weeks i think...something right around that time frame and it can vary a little from fish to fish and from environment to environment.
also my yellow labs dont seem to like my aqaurium light is this normal for them? there always hiding then i turn it off and they all wizz around
When I had them, mine did that too. I don't know what to tell you about that. My other fish are just fine with it. Are the labs still pretty new? That could be it. If not, I'm not sure what makes them so skittish. Unless they don't have ample cover or they're in a high traffic room so they don't feel secure.

what watts do you have? I have 96 watts on a 125 gallon tank. I suppose they may hide if it's too bright???

I don't think mine's to bright. Mine just never settled in good??
i have 2 lights tanks is 200 litres 1 is white 30watts and the other is a pink light dont no about this 1...
is fake plants ok with malawis or will they eat them i could get a couple of floating plants
This is normal, not eating.

Mine used to swim to the top at feeding time, just to be nosey, not to eat anything.

Besides, it can't be easy with that lot in your mouth :rolleyes:
They don't eat while they're holding. That's part of why a good feeding regimen is important from the beginning.

Imagine being malnourished and then not eating for about 3 weeks :crazy:

Mine hardly ever comes out of the rocks. She ventures out once in a great while, but not for long.
yeah mine hides and then when i put food in she swims up to it with the others swims around and goes back behind the plant... are plastic plants ok with malawis??

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