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  1. L

    New Betta

    thanks heaps to both of you! i will buy a new tank, and buy some other rocks to mix up the colours a bit (with the ones I already have)! thanks again for the tips!!!
  2. L

    Poor Betta! - Rip Didnt Make It.

    Northampton's in England right? I live in Australia... I don't think he'd make it through the post!!! :D :P Thankyou anyway though!!!
  3. L

    New Betta

    Hi, I'm sorry if this has been answered a million times before... I want to buy a new Betta this weekend to replace (well, fill the void) of my little man who died last night. Should I buy a bigger tank? I curently have a 3 litre tank (which the pet store guy in the aquarium section said is...
  4. L

    Orange Hm

    hehe... I'm a newbie (see under my avatar :P ) what's a Hm (or what does it stand for?)
  5. L

    What The Hell Is This?

    I have that exact same ornament (for my goldies) in a 30 litre tank with a filter, it never gets a film on it like that... but attracting algae!!! OMG!!! always cleaning the darn thing!!! also, I noted that the last time i cleaned it the black paint from the inside was starting to wear off. Now...
  6. L

    Fez Will Not Eat

    I got him in March... He was a healthy little guy until Thursday morning, because I went to work and he was still 'fighting' his reflection in the glass. When I got home, I thought he was just going to sleep.. But when I looked into his bowl, I noticed a white film all over him and a tumour like...
  7. L

    Poor Betta! - Rip Didnt Make It.

    Thanks, I'm sorry about yours too. I got him at the beginning of March... He was only a baby too... So I don't know what went wrong. I had my last one 'Sushi' for 18 months when he dies, but he was fully grown when I got him, so I think he died of old age. Little Sushi had like a tumour or...
  8. L

    Fez Will Not Eat

    he died tonight.. poor little dude, couldn't propel himself up to the surface to breed and when i tried to encourage him to sit in one of the plants, he kept swimming out of it. i was using bettafix since friday.. didn't notice his fin rot soon enough.. :( oh well he's not suffering anymore
  9. L

    Poor Betta! - Rip Didnt Make It.

    Little Sushi died tonight. Fin rot set in on Thursday evening, as well, he developed a white film over his head and eyes, which went away, but his eyes were still this funny midnight blue colour... but I didn't have any medication for him until Friday.. Did everything by the book, but my little...
  10. L

    Sick Betta

    R.I.P Little dude
  11. L

    Couldn't Help Myself

    because you named your other fish Fez, i thought Turq was named after the doctor in Scrubs... still, that's a great name!!! and a pretty fish!
  12. L


    my first fighter, 'Sushi' was an active little bugger... always jumping out of the water, i had to reduce the level to give him room so he didn't crack his head on the lid. my second fighter 'Klaus' (named after the American Dad goldfish) didn't really do much at all and then he died. 'Little...
  13. L

    Fez Will Not Eat

    Fez and Turq, they are awesome names... "The foreign kid just ate something off the floor" I'm with the others, if he's pooping, he's eating. My Little Sushi has a 'goiter' type thing under his neck, the lady in the pet store told me that he's storing his food coz he's sick (got a bit of fin...
  14. L

    Rest In Peace Rainbow

    well, it's day four of Little Sushi's battle and he's still kicking!!! I added betta-fix to his fresh water last night and well, today he's still ok. got a bit of fin rot, but i think that will heal in a few days or so.
  15. L

    Do I Keep Giving My Fish Ick?

    what does Ick look like? :/
  16. L

    Rest In Peace Rainbow

    I'm pretty sure I'll get home from uni today to find Little Sushi belly up, because he's been unwell for 2 days. When Sushi died in January, I cried for a week, it hurt so bad. I don't care what anyone says, fish do have personalities and I'm positive my little ones know who I am (because I fed...
  17. L

    Potential Fish To Avoid For Newcomers

    my little fighter has litterally become ill in like 2 says, i noticed last night (after i changed his water, added salt and increased his temp) that he has like glaucoma (i'm a nurse, can't describe it any other way) over his eyes with flaky bits over his scales on his head, but this morning...
  18. L

    Hi And Thanks

    hello, Little Sushi is my little guy... I changed his water yesterday and added salt and increased the temp, but I still think it may have a been a little too late. I'll let you know how I go with him... He may have to go to the big bowl in the sky though :-(