Fez Will Not Eat

He's eating then and if the poop is brown nothing to worry about.
Has he been eating weed, or snails? Perhaps someone else is feeding him :hyper:
or if the pellets are softening in the water he could be eating part of them and then spitting the rest back out if they are too big for his mouth. I have to break some of my pellets for my two younger males to eat, as the pellet itself is too big for them.
Fez and Turq, they are awesome names... "The foreign kid just ate something off the floor"

I'm with the others, if he's pooping, he's eating. My Little Sushi has a 'goiter' type thing under his neck, the lady in the pet store told me that he's storing his food coz he's sick (got a bit of fin rot at the moment which im treating him for) and not to feed him.

BTW, Fez is a lovely colour!!!
The lady at the pet store is full of it too. Sounds like a tumor of some sort or other. Usually not fatal just a bother.

he died tonight.. poor little dude, couldn't propel himself up to the surface to breed and when i tried to encourage him to sit in one of the plants, he kept swimming out of it. i was using bettafix since friday.. didn't notice his fin rot soon enough.. :( oh well he's not suffering anymore
Sorry about your buddy. I had a similar situation with one of mine recently. I think they're sick when we buy them from these pet stores. It's not always the case but I just wonder.... How long had you had this one?
If you buy a fish from a store and they have finrot i would be tempted to use alot stronger med on it then bettafix, something like maracyn or tetracycline.
Sorry for your loss. R.I.P.
Sorry about your buddy. I had a similar situation with one of mine recently. I think they're sick when we buy them from these pet stores. It's not always the case but I just wonder.... How long had you had this one?

I got him in March... He was a healthy little guy until Thursday morning, because I went to work and he was still 'fighting' his reflection in the glass. When I got home, I thought he was just going to sleep.. But when I looked into his bowl, I noticed a white film all over him and a tumour like lump under his head (where the frilly bit comes out). I couldn't get to the pet store for bettafix before Friday because I had uni all Friday morning and after reading about it here, I didn't want to use the other medicine I had (even though now in hinesight, I should have just tried it anyway) because it wasn't for Betta's. He fought so hard. Oh well, like I said before, he's not suffering anymore and that's all that matters.

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