Poor Betta! - Rip Didnt Make It.


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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:angry: at local aquatic centre..new bettas in...all OK apart from one poor boy who this lady thought was dead.
called the chap over and he said no thats OK, he then sold her two gouramis that were in same tank (betta was in breeding trap) this betta has white spot so had some of the gouramis in tank. I had to bite my tongue. I then asked manager if I could have the fish cheaper he said they dont do discount and laughed and said he knew I would buy it anyway. They credit me if the fish dies. :sad:
what do you think chaps...he is in hospital tank with meds but I dont hold out much hope.

cross your fingers please ..look at his little face

sunday. have taken the piccies out they were upsetting me poor little chap.
It's got pretty bad fin rot too.. keep the water clean, treat it if you can, and hope for the best!

It's pretty bad that the manager mocked you like that.. I would have done some complaing if I was treated like that... that's really not cool.

Some people might give you slack for rescuing a sick betta because it just brings in another one to be treated the same way, but I think it's a nice thing to do, hope he survives!! :good:
He's not as badly bitten as the one I got and he's doing great! fins are growing back and no infections so fingers crossed for your guy :good:
:grr: shush! dont tell hubby..fish is in spare room...such a tip he dont go in there! :p

I made hubby a nice open sandwich so that'll give me time to sort fish out, :hey: :hey:
It really annoys me these pet shops that let their fish get into this state and then expect to get full price for them when they know that the fish is in a bad way and may die shortly after going to the new owner, it really should be reported to the RSPCA and the local council, they don't deserve to have a licence to sell living creatures :angry:

I hope he gets better, good luck :good:
Just been shopping, before I went I looked at him he was twirling in the water and then keeping very still. Just looked at him now and he is dead. His eyes looked as if they had fungus on them one of his front fins had totally gone, and he was very thin. Why on earth did they have him in that tank with those other fish. At least he had a few hours in clean water and a quiet environment. I shall return him to the shop tomorrow and if I get any grief I shall take it further. Poor little betta such a cute little face. :/
Sorry Liz. You were a Good Samaritan for trying to help him. I might be tempted to report the place that demanded full price for him. Duh! Sounds like they need an attitude adjustment. :grr:
:grr: took the dead fish back to the shop, and he smelt awful stuck him in a bag with some water and his fins were falling off...... :crazy:

anyway, marched in just said bought your fish back he lasted about an hour! chap laughed and said I will get you another went to tanks and came back with another. I will post his piccie when he has settled! No apology or nothing! stupid fish shop. it was very busy, so perhaps that is why he got me a replacement quickly. Next prob. where am I going to put him :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sounds like Mr Sensitivity works at that pet shop. DUH!
You should have a secret room and with a secret passage so you can go undetected whilst caring for the newest ones.
Little Sushi died tonight. Fin rot set in on Thursday evening, as well, he developed a white film over his head and eyes, which went away, but his eyes were still this funny midnight blue colour... but I didn't have any medication for him until Friday.. Did everything by the book, but my little man fought and fought and today lost the fight. :-( He struggled, it was awful, but I turned away and then when I turned back, he was gone.
Thanks, I'm sorry about yours too. I got him at the beginning of March... He was only a baby too... So I don't know what went wrong. I had my last one 'Sushi' for 18 months when he dies, but he was fully grown when I got him, so I think he died of old age. Little Sushi had like a tumour or something under his head (where the frilly neck bit comes out)
:/ get sushi the third or pop over to me and you can have one of mine. :lol: :lol:
Northampton's in England right? I live in Australia... I don't think he'd make it through the post!!! :D :p Thankyou anyway though!!!

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