Rest In Peace Rainbow


Jul 2, 2005
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On, Canada
Rainbow, one of my bettas passed away this morning. :'(

Today Rainbow Passed away. All yesterday he was having trouble swimming and getting to the surface for air. So I lowered his water and put a nice tall silk plant in for him to lay on. This morning I got up and checked on him. He was facing with his head down and his tail up. But not dead yet. I lowered his water so it was halfway and then used the net to help him over to the tall plant I had. He looked up and then just passed away.

I don't even know why he passed away :'(
:/ so sad I hope you are ok . RIP little fishy. My kids at school have just named my little betta rainbow boy so his memory will live on and on. lol
I'm pretty sure I'll get home from uni today to find Little Sushi belly up, because he's been unwell for 2 days. When Sushi died in January, I cried for a week, it hurt so bad. I don't care what anyone says, fish do have personalities and I'm positive my little ones know who I am (because I fed them and care for them etc).

R.I.P Rainbow. :-(
well, it's day four of Little Sushi's battle and he's still kicking!!! I added betta-fix to his fresh water last night and well, today he's still ok. got a bit of fin rot, but i think that will heal in a few days or so.

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