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  1. A

    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Day 17 success at last, my first zero nitrite reading and boy am I happy, sooooooooooo happy :lol: what a good start to weekend! I have to say it was the most beautiful shade of blue I have seen in a very long time and unexpected, but, very very welcome indeed. Feel so happy now, just hoping it...
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Thanks for your help Waterdrop, I know I need to be patient during the cycle but I'm sure you know it gets to a point where you keep looking at the empty tank and can't wait to get some fish in it. Arrrrrrrrrgh................patience!! As for the fluffy particles I'll watch what happens with...
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Have added todays readings, (no change) but I have noticed an increase in the tiny soft particles that have been settling on the plant leaves. At first I thought it was grains of sand but it is soft to touch. Also, tonight it is the first time that I have been aware of some of the small...
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Day 15, no change in readings, but I would just like to let Waterdrop know that whilst I'm waitng I am working on my vowels sounds so that next time I hope to get my nitrites and nitrates the right way around............. here's hoping anyway! :good:
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Thanks Waterdrop. From today (day 14) if the ammonia reading in the morning is zero, I will not be recording it in the evening. Just waiting for the nitrates to drop now! :good:
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Thanks OldMan47 and Miss Wiggle for explaining it to me, it is a little clearer now, and I will check my nitrate level from the tap near the end of the cycle. Just one more query, if the ammonia level at the first test of the day is reading zero should I still continue to test the ammonia level...
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Have posted Day 12 readings, but I'm really not clear on the link between nitrites and nitrates in the cycling process. I understand that I'm waiting for the nitrites to drop to zero but do not know what part nitrates play in the process, if any. Have read the pinned articles again but it's...
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    The first reading today (Day 11) was a little later due to a much needed lay in!! As the 1st readings were done under natural day light it was a little easier than when I have to carry out the readings under false light, which apart from weekends will remain the same. I did get two other...
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    As you say it is the overall pattern that counts. I will have other people around tomorrow so I will get their opinion on the readings too before I post them. I guess that's where the advantage of experience shows. As this is my first attempt at a fishless cycle I am probably overcautious and...
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Have added today's readings as accurately as possible, however, I am finding it quite difficult to colour match the results of the nitrites and nitrates as there appears to be very little difference between some readings on the colour charts. I've done the best I can and hope the readings make...
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    My thanks to you both for your views on 12 hour testing. It's nice to know experienced fish keepers are keeping an eye on the progress of my fishless cycle. To be honest I will continue with the twice a day testing so that I can record the outcomes, and hopefully, any problems will be noticed...
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Zero ammonia again today so I think I will test twice daily from tomorrow to record changes in stats. :good:
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Have added Ammonia up to 4.0ppm tonight. Do I now start to test for Nitrites every twelve hours from now on?
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Great! Good start then. :good:
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    Thanks Waterdrop. Have made the changes to the thread as you suggested and will now wait for the further drop in Ammonia!
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    Starting Fishless Cycle Thread

    I've started the fishless cycle and have my first query so far which I hope you can advise me on.The Ammonia reading has dropped to 0.25 tonight, do I have to wait until it reaches zero before adding more ammonia to bring it up to 4-5ppm or can I add it now? I have started a thread to help with...
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    About To Start The Fishless Cycle

    Thanks for the advice, I am going to attatch the plants later today (Anubias) and place the wood into the tank, look forward to starting the cycle asap. It's been a long time coming! Will post the test results as I progress, I'm sure I'll have a few queries along the road as a complete newbie...
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    About To Start The Fishless Cycle

    At last my stand has arrived after several hiccups and a very long wait. I've now started setting the tank up. I do have a few queries which I would like some advice on, firstly I have washed the sand but the piece of bogwood that I have had soaking for three weeks is still staining the water. I...
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    Newbie Needing Plant Advice Please

    Will remember that .Thanks
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    Newbie Needing Plant Advice Please

    Thanks to you both,your advice has been taken on board. Is it quite easy to attatch plants to hardscape? and is it easier on wood or stones? I looked at your journals Aaronnorth the tanks look fantastic! The slate and background do you proud, I only hope mine ends up half as good-heres hoping...
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    Newbie Needing Plant Advice Please

    Hi, have been planning my new tank set up (waiting for stand to arrive at present) and reading as much as I can whilst waiting. I have an AquaMode 600 which is my first ever tank. I would like to have sand substrate as I think as it looks natural, but really need some advice as to some plants...
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    Advice On Aquaone Heater Please!

    Thanks to all of you for your comments. I think I will return it for a smaller one just to be on the safe side. Looking forward to starting the set up in the New Year now, just hope I don't drive everyone mad with 101 questions on the forum!
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    Advice On Aquaone Heater Please!

    Hi All, I would like your advice on the heater the LFS sold me today. I bought my AquaMode 600 from the shop and the guy who served me, sold and remembered the tank well (only purchased about a week ago in fact). I asked for the heater for the set up and he put it in a bag and of course I just...
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    Would Angels Be Suitable

    Hi, Ive just purchased an Aquamode 600 tank. The capacity is 65L/15g and the height is 23inchs. I will be starting to cycle the tank after Christmas but have been researching as much as I can about everything. I would like your advice on the following from experienced keepers as this is my first...
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    Sand Or Gravel Advice Please

    Thanks for that. Will probably use play sand for bottom of tank. Getting quite excited now! :rolleyes:
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    Testing Kits

    Would you mind letting me know where you found the kit for that price ?I am a complete newbie and will be starting to set up my aquarium after Christmas and will be needing the water testing kit for then. Good luck with your set up. :good:
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    Sand Or Gravel Advice Please

    Thanks for your advice. As a complete novice one more query on the sand if you don't mind is the sand purchased from a LFS or DIY? As for the tank size being a little on the small side for angels can you keep one on its own with other fish or is that not advisable?
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    Sand Or Gravel Advice Please

    Thanks for your replies do hope they all get on well as they all grow Good luck.
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    Sand Or Gravel Advice Please

    Hi there I posted on the forum last month as I was deciding on either a Biube or an Aqua One set up and got some really good advice. I decided to go for the Aqua one after Christmas, however, as I was wondering around my LFS I spotted an AquaMode 600 (ex display) for sale and could not resist...
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    Tank Advice .......please!

    Hi Guys Thanks for taking the time to give a real newbie some advice, it has been gratefully received. I think it will be an aqua one from the feedback overall but not sure as to the design yet but probably either aquaone 620 or the aquamode 600. I hope my tank will eventually look as good as...
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    Tank Advice .......please!

    Thanks guys. I have taken on board all your comments. I'm not sure how to contact dorsey but will keep watching for the name unless anyone out there can tell me how to contact him? Thanks once again to all of you.
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    Tank Advice .......please!

    Hi members This is my first post in the forum although I have been busy reading posts for the last few weeks. I have been looking into buying my very first tank and have found the vast selection quite confusing, well for me anyway! I am quite interested in three different tanks that I have seen...
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    Tank Advice .......please!

    Hi members This is my first post in the forum although I have been busy reading posts for the last few weeks. I have been looking into buying my very first tank and have found the vast selection quite confusing, well for me anyway! I am quite interested in three different tanks that I have seen...