Sand Or Gravel Advice Please


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2008
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Hi there
I posted on the forum last month as I was deciding on either a Biube or an Aqua One set up and got some really good advice. I decided to go for the Aqua one after Christmas, however, as I was wondering around my LFS I spotted an AquaMode 600 (ex display) for sale and could not resist it. So tank in the car and home I went happy as punch! I will not be setting it up this side of Christmas as I have people staying over for a few days but I would like some more advice from experienced fish keepers on whether to have gravel or sand at the bottom, and any advantages or disadvantages with both? The tank came with small black stones in the bottom but wondered if I would be better to keep them or put sand in the bottom of the tank. I would like eventually to have Angel fish with some Dwarf Gourami but would like some advice on their compatability too as I am now in planning gear for the New Year!
When I start cycling the tank I expect I will need alot more advice as I so want to get it right and have a healthy tank environment for my fish. Just hope I will not become too much of a nuisance to you all!!
i would recomend sand it is very aesthetically pleasing and looks great but if you choose to have sand a recomend a large group of cories to keep it moving so gasses dont build up.
as for angels and gouramis i wouldnt as i dont think theyd get on, but if i was you id wait for more replies.

good look and welcome to fish keeping :good:
i have angels and gouramos in my tank with no probs whatsoever 3 pearl gouramis and 1 zebra angel 1 golden marbel angel. granted the angels are still quite small so i will see what happens when they grow
i have angels and gouramos in my tank with no probs whatsoever 3 pearl gouramis and 1 zebra angel 1 golden marbel angel. granted the angels are still quite small so i will see what happens when they grow
Thanks for your replies do hope they all get on well as they all grow Good luck.
I was considering when I do my tank to a do a combo of gravel and sand I haven't heard of it being don ebefore and I'm curious as to the results.
Initially I chose gravel (2-3mm) because quite simply the idea I could put sand in an aquarium never entered my head.
Once I realised this and saw photos on here of members tanks with sand, well I just had to change it over - took a few hours yesterday but both hubby and I agree the effort was worth it and the sand looks way better.
im going to be re-scaping my tank in the new year and i plan on changing from gravel to sand for the astetic appeal
Its really a personal choice. I like sand and have changed both my tanks to sand now, had kept the shrimp tank gravel but changed it recently. Sand looks more natural and its much easier on the corys barbels.
I wouldnt mix sand and gravel, it just gets stirred up together and causes more trouble than its worth.
As for dwarf gouramis and angels I know some who do but I personally wouldn't keep the two together, angels can be quite nippy.
I am going for small rounded gravel mainly because I think sand looks better in marine setups you don't see many ponds with sand or gravel really BUT it does look better I guess. I believe gravel is better for plant roots which is one reason I will be going down this route..

Like you my tank will be started in new year I had started to setup in the corner of the room until the Christmas tree came along :( Bah Humbug!
I personally like the coarse sand in my tanks. Some people would call it a fine gravel. It is a bit more than 1 mm in diameter and avoids some of the filter destroying lightness that you get with a fine sand. It is also a bit easier to clean than the smaller sand because it won't lift off the bottom as easily when I use my gravel vac for cleaning and water changes. Fine sand can easily be stirred up which can harm 'hang on back' filters' impellers.
I would be a bit reluctant to put angels into a tank that small. A round looking 65 litre tank is on the small side for angels but at least it is tall enough for them. You will need to keep fish numbers low if you keep angels in there to avoid crowding.
I personally like the coarse sand in my tanks. Some people would call it a fine gravel. It is a bit more than 1 mm in diameter and avoids some of the filter destroying lightness that you get with a fine sand. It is also a bit easier to clean than the smaller sand because it won't lift off the bottom as easily when I use my gravel vac for cleaning and water changes. Fine sand can easily be stirred up which can harm 'hang on back' filters' impellers.
I would be a bit reluctant to put angels into a tank that small. A round looking 65 litre tank is on the small side for angels but at least it is tall enough for them. You will need to keep fish numbers low if you keep angels in there to avoid crowding.

Thanks for your advice. As a complete novice one more query on the sand if you don't mind is the sand purchased from a LFS or DIY? As for the tank size being a little on the small side for angels can you keep one on its own with other fish or is that not advisable?
Angels seem to do fine alone. They are not schooling type fish to any degree. Many of us use sand from places like children's play sand or swimming pool filter sand. It depends on what colors you want which one you end up with. As with any unknown substrate, you put some into a water sample, let it sit for a day or two and see if it affecting pH before you put it in your tank.
Angels seem to do fine alone. They are not schooling type fish to any degree. Many of us use sand from places like children's play sand or swimming pool filter sand. It depends on what colors you want which one you end up with. As with any unknown substrate, you put some into a water sample, let it sit for a day or two and see if it affecting pH before you put it in your tank.

Thanks for that. Will probably use play sand for bottom of tank. Getting quite excited now! :rolleyes:

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