Tank Advice .......please!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2008
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Hi members
This is my first post in the forum although I have been busy reading posts for the last few weeks. I have been looking into buying my very first tank and have found the vast selection quite confusing, well for me anyway! I am quite interested in three different tanks that I have seen and would appreciate some objective advice, as the sales assistants I have spoken to have given me conflicting advice on the effectivness of the filter systems and general maintenance. of the tanks. The tanks I'm considering are: Aqua One AquaMode 600
Aqua One 620

If any of you could spare me advice as to which tank / filter system would be easier for the absolute novice I would be so greatfull as I do not want to make the wrong decision by not researching well enough. My aim, eventually, will be to keep one or more angel fish but I realise that I may need to get a little more experience in fish keeping before I am ready for the angels.

I think the forum is splended and so full of information that I often spend hours just browsing! So thanks once again........oh, I do hope this post is in the right section, if not please accept my apologies in advance! :blush:
I dont know about the biube but I know the filter systems in the biorbs are not very good and can be difficult to clean. Can't comment on the others sorry.
Do not get a Biorb. They are horrible tanks, which I dont think are much better than goldfish bowls.
get the aqua one 620 i got one the weekend and looks grate and the filter should be easy to look after cos its all in the lid
From what Ive seen of these "system" tanks, they are a PIA ! LOL
Buy a bog standard glass tank, and add the bits you NEED !
I agree with rooster. Its not that hard to choose a plain glass rectangle of a standard size that has lights and covers readily available separately and from there most of the other equipment for the tropical fresh hobby is fairly trivial except the filter. The filter is so central to the hobby that people often are frustrated after the fact with the one they got in their "kit" before they understood the available options and what they would mean later in terms of effectiveness and maintenance.

These days, a rectangle based on a filter like a Tetratec EX600 or EX700 would begin the build of a really wonderful smaller tank I would think.

On the other hand, if you can catch up with a member called dorsey and some others, they are quite "up" on the Aqua One tanks found in the UK a lot I believe and have ways to make sure these nice little kits perform well, so there's another avenue to consider, I would think.

Thanks guys.
I have taken on board all your comments. I'm not sure how to contact dorsey but will keep watching for the name unless anyone out there can tell me how to contact him? Thanks once again to all of you.
Thanks guys.
I have taken on board all your comments. I'm not sure how to contact dorsey but will keep watching for the name unless anyone out there can tell me how to contact him? Thanks once again to all of you.

:hyper: Here I am!

Hi, yes I make no secret of the fact that I like AquaOne tanks and caninets. In my experience I have found the supplied, canopy filter both efficient and easy to set-up to your owm design. It has masses of room for loads of media both for bioloical and mechanical filtration. The rounded 'seamless' corners are a lovely feature. The cabinets are of superior quality too, both strong and well designed.

The down-sides are. Every six months or so it is best to remove the filter power head to clean the impellor to mantain maximum performance as with most filters. This can be a little hard as it requires the removal of the rear filter housing section to slide off the power head. That said, anyone who considers any job in fishkeeping a chore isn't enjoying his/her hobby!

Last thing, the canopy can vibrate a bit sometimes but a little jiggling usually stops it.

I have an 850 and a 380 and have had them some time without a problem. In fact the tube went in my little 380 last night. £8.95 from the LFS in stock and now in my hood!

Forget the Biorb, I'd rather have a bucket and an air pump :lol:
i have an aquaone 620t (the tall 130ltr version) and absolutely love it
the cuboard is a better design and seem stronger than the juwel ones i have
also drip filter is perfect and easy to use as long as its maintained properly as doresy says

I'm not using the drip filter in mine at the moment purely because i need a bit for the impeller and havent been bother to get one yet so am using my fluval 205 and putting it through the drip filter aswell

my aquaone 620t

There is no rushing a decision like this Pippoodle, Anniekins will need to live with that decision for years to come. Give her a chance to think over all the information you guys have given.
Hi Guys
Thanks for taking the time to give a real newbie some advice, it has been gratefully received. I think it will be an aqua one from the feedback overall but not sure as to the design yet but probably either aquaone 620 or the aquamode 600. I hope my tank will eventually look as good as the ones posted a real credit to you all! Just one more pre - purchase query, how many angels would you advise in a tank like the 620 or 600 and what would be compatible? Oh nearly forgot thanks doresy for contacting me :good:

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