Advice On Aquaone Heater Please!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2008
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Hi All,
I would like your advice on the heater the LFS sold me today. I bought my AquaMode 600 from the shop and the guy who served me, sold and remembered the tank well (only purchased about a week ago in fact). I asked for the heater for the set up and he put it in a bag and of course I just came home. When I looked at the heater it is an Aqua One 200W which it says is suitable for 50G / 200L tanks. My tank is only 65L, will this heater be okay or do I need to return it for 75W heater as it says on the box? Sorry to be a nuisance with so many questions before I even start setting the tank up! :blush:
No, it will be fine... the ONLY danger is that it fails in the ON position, and cooks the tank.... but this is so rare, I wouldnt worry about it.
Gosh, I'd tend to think a 100w would be safer (would be less quick cooking them) in a 65L/17G, but Rooster is more experienced than me and maybe its just too small a risk these days as heater mechanisms have probably become much more reliable than years ago.

Even though the chance of failing in the on position is small, the heater is large enough to cause a lot of damage from excess heat in a short time. If you had a 75W or 100W heater, it could still fail in the on position but it would take long enough to cook the fish to give you a chance of catching it.
Even though the chance of failing in the on position is small, the heater is large enough to cause a lot of damage from excess heat in a short time. If you had a 75W or 100W heater, it could still fail in the on position but it would take long enough to cook the fish to give you a chance of catching it.
Thanks to all of you for your comments. I think I will return it for a smaller one just to be on the safe side. Looking forward to starting the set up in the New Year now, just hope I don't drive everyone mad with 101 questions on the forum!

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