Newbie Needing Plant Advice Please


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2008
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Hi, have been planning my new tank set up (waiting for stand to arrive at present) and reading as much as I can whilst waiting. I have an AquaMode 600 which is my first ever tank. I would like to have sand substrate as I think as it looks natural, but really need some advice as to some plants that a complete beginer would be able to manage. Also, do I need to put any fertiliser underneath the sand? I feel quite embarassed asking these questions but I do want to get it right and would appreciate any advice from you all! :blush:
tropica substrate capped with sand, available at aqua essentials

easy plants:
microsorum sp
A nutrient rich substrate isn't totally necessary, but it will mean you'll have to make sure to dose the water column effectively. As a newbie, it makes life much easier to go with a good substrate like Aaronnorth says. Some plants will need a nutritious base (swords etc) so root tabs would be good for those. Anubias and Java fern etc can be attatched to hardscape instead of planting.
Thanks to you both,your advice has been taken on board. Is it quite easy to attatch plants to hardscape? and is it easier on wood or stones? I looked at your journals Aaronnorth the tanks look fantastic! The slate and background do you proud, I only hope mine ends up half as good-heres hoping. :good:

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