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  1. S

    Dying friend...

    Awwww, I'm so sorry to hear that David :-(
  2. S

    That was a long day :O Intensive picture warning!

    Your camera must have a fantastic shutter speed William, what a great pic! I need to get my license too, some day! Failed my test twice already.
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    Flicking / Flashing

    Are there any other symptoms? Flicking against things is usually a sign of something irritating the skin. Also, exactly what tests have you done on your water and what were the results?
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    Adolphi Cories and Amano Shrimp

    No, no, no, I'm grateful for that. Thanks :D
  5. S

    Adolphi Cories and Amano Shrimp

    Well it was sold to me as matea (whatever they are) but I was told on here that its a panda :dunno:
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    I got new Fish...

    Whats your favourite?
  7. S

    I got new Fish...

    Here's a link to the pics:
  8. S

    Adolphi Cories and Amano Shrimp

    As promised in my other thread (, here are some pics. They're not great but they'll do for now :P First up are my two new adolphi cories (Annastasia and Elizabeth) getting to know one of my panda's This is Scamper, his buddy...
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    worst jeans

    OMG Agreed :/ £220, *faints!
  10. S

    I got new Fish...

    Amano shrimp (sorry I didnt say, have edited post now :) )
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    I got new Fish...

    Hey everyone, I just got back from my favourite (not so local) lfs :D I went to get some shrimp to add a bit of variety to my tank but while I was there I saw the most gorgeous Adolphi Cories. (Thanks for helping me ID them Annastasia) So as well as 2 amano shrimp, I came away with 2...
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    where to go uk

    I voted for Birmingham too simply because it'll only take me an hour or so to get there. I'm quite willing to travel to somewhere else if that's where it's decided we'll go!
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    *Updated* Changing to Sand

    I'm hoping my cories will feel the same!
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    *Updated* Changing to Sand

  15. S


    Great pics Chook. I'm glad you decided to get them in the end!
  16. S

    ahhhhh sick Zebra Danio

    A 1cm red spot seems very big on a Danio! Are you sure it's this big? Also, does it look like the spot is inside or on the skin? Danios are egg layers so it won't be a gravid spot.
  17. S

    *Updated* Changing to Sand

    Update: OK, so I'm no longer moving house. How do I go about changing from gravel to sand?
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    Creepy Corys 0.o

    Well, good luck. I hope it works out for you!
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    OMG Vip :o Everything OK now I hope?
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    Creepy Corys 0.o

    Glad to hear they're OK now :D
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    Creepy Corys 0.o

    I thought 3 cories was OK. Anyone ele got any thought on this? I dont see a problem with mixing different cories either. Dont worry about their behaviour. Cories are very tactile fish and love to huggle up together and sometimes swim around together touching too!
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    Introducing Norman...

    Lovely betta Chook :wub:
  23. S

    Should I get the....

    As I said to you before Wisp, if you have done adequate research and you are 101% sure you can provide for it's requirements then go for it. It has to be better than it being fed seeds and being kept in such bad conditions.
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    Platty Problem

    Dunk is looking a little more active now but I've bought some Interpret No9 anyway so after I do a water change tomorrow I'm going to start treating with that. Then just wait and see I guess. I don't know Chook. I have some cories but I hear such mixed stories about whether I can use salt or not.
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    Definately a good idea. I meant to do it last time but forgot :angry:
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    There was a cool map last time where everyone posted a groovy little person to show where they lived. We could re-surface that?
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    LFS cant help me

    Well Corydoras are community cats but I'm a bit worried about the tiger barbs. How many do you have?
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    Clown Loaches+ White Spot + No spare Hospital tank

    Whitespot has a free swimming stage which means the water is infected with it. Chances are some (if not all) of your other fish will get it too. There are plenty of meds available to treat whitespot. I have used King British Whitespot control before which was really good. There's no need to...
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    Flower pic

    What a stunning plant!!! :wub:
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    The Blue Planet is over in about 30 minutes though. I didn't think it was very big at all. I've heard that the Birmingham Sea Life Centre is better. I'm pretty easy, wherever is decided, I'll be there.
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    They are dropping like flies

    :-( :/ :byebye: Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. I bet Ryans devastated.
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    Nice fishies ;)
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    making my own

    I'd be so proud of myself if I made my own tank! Go for it :D
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    Platty Problem

    Well, that would explain it except as well as "anti-fungal agent with anticeptic healing properties" the package also says: "Effective against a variety of parasites including flukes" and: "Rapid aid to respiration in cases of distress" That's why I'm treating with it. Maybe I'll try the...
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    Someone is nosey around here!

    Great pics. Hey MAM maybe Nidge could go galoshing in all the drool??
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    Yippe! I got babies!!!

    Congratulations on the fry!!! :wub:
  37. S

    would she or wont she

    I reckon I'd risk it at 1"
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    Platty Problem

    Hi all, I seem to have a bit of a problem with one of my Plattys. She seems to be eating OK but has lost alot of weight and her gills seem to be red inside. Also, she's less active than usual, generally hanging in the top corner of the tank :( My water parameters are: Ammonia 0 Nitrate 20...
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    My Holiday Pics... MOD: Dial up warning

    ROFL, the "other" was my friend that I went on holiday with. Toggle - unfortunately there's only some starfish on the underwater camera (I think). I was supposed to be going on an excursion to Ocean World to see the rays, dolphins, sharks etc but it can cancelled due to the storm :-(...
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    My Holiday Pics... MOD: Dial up warning

    Well there was a scary moment MAM. When I went to the bounty beach I totally forgot how much sea salt can make you burn easier. Very sore arms :X