ahhhhh sick Zebra Danio


Fish Fanatic
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Oh dear...i don't know if my fish is sick or pregnant.

1. The fish is super fat, (have had the fish for a month) its been fat for pretty much the whole time that i've had it, extremely fat lately
2. Red spot, about 1 cm long at the bottom of the fish starting at where it poops.
3. The scales are not sticking out. They're just kind of "separated".
4. Parameters are perfect.

So what is it? Dropsy? Pregnant? Very constipated?

Let me know if you need more info
A 1cm red spot seems very big on a Danio! Are you sure it's this big?

Also, does it look like the spot is inside or on the skin?

Danios are egg layers so it won't be a gravid spot.
Or is it a protrusion from the anus? My pleco had that somehow and died from that (or it was one of the causes).

What exactly do you mean that the scales are "separated"?

If the danio is fat, it might be full of eggs. Or another cause might be parasites. I'd get the spot checked out first because it might be a parasite.
it looks kinda inside the skin...and yeah def. not 1 cm big, more like 3mm (sorry about that :blink: ) I tried to get a good pic of it...here it is

yeah it swims so fast its hard to get a good pic...the spot is right on the bottom so you can't see it in the pic anyway. The scales on the fish just seem kinda spaced out (stretched out) which i guess would make sense since the fish is so fat...

the fish is acting normal. Swimmin around with the rest of the danios and chasing everyone around...its just reaaaaaalllly fat!
Actually, it looks ok. Mine is comparatively bigger (all alone and no fish to breed with).

It's the red spot that unnerves me.

It might be a parasite, i.e. anchorworm or something along those lines...
So what do you suggest i do? Keep an eye on it? or medicate it? or lol i dunno

It also looks like theres some kind of beige poop coming out too...(its thick like poop, not thin)
Quarantine if possible.

Then diagnose the problem. It might not be a parasite but an infection or tumor or something. Haven't researched too indepth on the matter seeing as how these diseases and parasites haven't struck my fish. :/

It's a good investment, though. As you just witnessed.

A fuly operational 5 gallon and ten gallon both cost $30 at Walmart here. You should check them out.

If you're on a budget, though, then I can see why you can't get the quarantine tank.

And generally, cyps and chars are referred to as its because it's so hard to tell the difference most of the time. Just make things easier on yourself. :p :D
The ZD is a female, so she will always look fatter compared to the males.

What are your water parameters? what is the temperature? what do you feed her?
UPDATE: Well i woke up this morning and my zebra is normal sized again (still a little fatter then the others but otherwise not noticable). But last night before i went to bed i was looking at it and there was a beige piece of i guess poop hanging out oh its anus and there were also 2 silver looking beads attached to it. (I'm thinking eggs?) Anyway so this morning the fish is normal sized again...the redness is gone and its still acting normal..

My water parameters are good, my temperature is 25 degrees celcius, and i feed the fish a mix of pellets and flake foods.
Day 2: The fishy is still fine, but i've noticed that 2 out of 3 of my leopard danios are the same as she looks now, so i'm thinking 3 out of 6 of my danios are female :blink: I'm glad i know the difference now, before my post i thought they were all male :thumbs: Thanks guys :)
It seems as though your fish are just fine.

If there is gravel at the bottom of the tank, when you do water changes, leave the bucket of tank water out for a day or so and you'll find a coupe of little black lines on the sides of the bucket--fry!

If you choose to raer these guys, you'll need another tank and a bit of patience, :/ but you might find it to be worth it.

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