Adolphi Cories and Amano Shrimp


I wanted to rule the world but got distracted by s
Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
As promised in my other thread

here are some pics. They're not great but they'll do for now :p

First up are my two new adolphi cories (Annastasia and Elizabeth) getting to know one of my panda's

This is Scamper, his buddy Squishy is hiding somewhere!
lovely cories :wub: adolphoi always seem sortof longer and more elegant than other cories, to me at least...

and umm...are you sure that's a panda? cos it doesn't look like one to me :)
clutterydrawer said:
lovely cories :wub: adolphoi always seem sortof longer and more elegant than other cories, to me at least...

and umm...are you sure that's a panda? cos it doesn't look like one to me :)
Well it was sold to me as matea (whatever they are) but I was told on here that its a panda :dunno:
I would disagree because pandas have a black patch at their tail rather than the black stripe from the dorsal to the tail that yours shows. here is one of my pandas:


and here are some Corydoras metae, which is what yours probably are:


sorry, none of this is really relevant to anything, i jsut thought i'd post it in case you wanted to know. either way they are still gorgeous fish :wub:
I think photobucket is playing up today. I've not moved the pics or anything so they should show.

I've heard a few other people having problems with it too.

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