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  1. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Quick? Took 2 weeks with the use of established filter media :D
  2. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Thanks for all your comments guys. Now comes the fun part.... ................Stocking :D I'll keep you posted :thumbs:
  3. S

    My dog the movie buff

    I'd agree with you but today there was a RSPCA advert on the TV and there was a black dog sitting in the rain and a rescue person went up to it and put a blanket around her. No doggy noises or anything like that but she turned to watch it. It reminded me of this post so I came back to tell you...
  4. S

    Biggest pleco competition..?

    :rofl: I know I have no chance of winning but I only got my bristlenoses today and they're about 0.5" long :wub:
  5. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Two bristlenoses :wub: They're teeeeeeeny :fun:
  6. S

    I've had a new tank...

    OK some more pics: Left hand side of my tank: Middle: Right hand side: One of the new plecs: Other plec: Cory under the wood: Scamper the Shrimp:
  7. S

    My VeeDub!

    You sure have put alot of hard work into it Sam. Did you manage to find reasonable insurance?
  8. S

    Buying Online

    I've ordered things from trimar before and everything went OK.
  9. S

    A new tank for the kiddies.

    Great news Chali. How's it looking?
  10. S

    New Competition

    OK this is what I found on the royal mail website: "This applies to any manufactured food or drink for either humans or animals but does not apply to homemade or manufactured foods being sent as a personal gift to individual people in the USA but you should clearly indicate this on the Customs...
  11. S

    New Competition

    I've sent food stuffs to Turkey before without any problems??? I'll look into it anyway. Anyway, back to the thread. Continue having fun guys, if it turns out that I can't send them then I'll arrange some other prize for you overseas guys :fun:
  12. S

    New Competition

    Due to popular demand (and for fear of my life) I am holding another competition. This time you have the opportunity to win a 25g packet of Hikari Sinking Wafers. So, how do you win? Basically all you need to do is post a photo and give it a funny caption (nothing too rude please) The most...
  13. S

    Look what i found

    Awwwww congratulations Granddad SD :D
  14. S

    Warning: Fish Keeping is Catching

    Well he asked me for my 2 foot tonight too but I'm already selling it on ebay so it looks like he may be coming down with mts too :rolleyes:
  15. S

    Warning: Fish Keeping is Catching

    I've no idea. I'll keep you posted though.
  16. S

    Warning: Fish Keeping is Catching

    Nooooooooo, I really dont think he'd cope with live plants. Takes after his big sister that way :S
  17. S

    I'm sorry - I have to ask

    Thanks alot for that. Ites are on the way up, hope they peak soon :D
  18. S

    I'm sorry - I have to ask

    I'm doing a fishless cycle at the moment and despite reading loads of threads about it and the pinned topics, I just dont get it. :blink: I got ammonia and now that's reduced to 0pm and my Nitrites are at 2ppm. The Nitrates have been at 10 throughout. Is this right? :dunno: What next...
  19. S

    My Cats..

    Awwwww I love them all :wub: Scrap that, I want them all!!! Sunflower begins to plot :shifty:
  20. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Looking alot clearer now the sand has completely cleared (apologies for the flash) Pamareters are now stabilising and just in time, I'm getting the bristlenoses this weekend :fun: (Thanks again Aquascaper)
  21. S

    Sand or Gravel

    I've just switched to sand when I upgraded my tank! It looks great! :kana: Have to have alot of patience with it though. My brother set up his tank today with sand and has taken it out already. I guess he just wanted instant results and couldnt wait for the cloudyness to clear :/
  22. S

    Warning: Fish Keeping is Catching

    Hee hee, I got my brother into fish keeping now!!! :fun: Here is his tank (no fish in there yet) He's having a couple of my fish this weekend to cycle with :D PS - He's getting broadband on 25th so watch out cos no doubt he'll make an appearance on here.
  23. S

    I quit my job

    Some employee rights dont come into play until you've got 12 months service. Definately worth seeking advice on though, if even just to get whats rightfully yours.
  24. S

    Look! Fantastic bottle ornament

    Well done Narayan, looks great Red :D
  25. S

    Look what I got to wake up to

    :o I cant wait for the snow to come over here :fun:
  26. S


    Nice to see your new additions. Tank looks good too :)
  27. S

    My dog the movie buff

    :lol: I was looking the other way! Oooh yeah, Millie loved that programme "when dinosaurs walked the earth"
  28. S

    My dog the movie buff

    Here she is watching Starship Troopers 2 :/
  29. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Partially aquascaped. No doubt I'll change the layout several times before it's finished cycling :rolleyes:
  30. S

    I've had a new tank...

    From what I can gather its not too hard, just have to be more careful when cleaning so that you dont suck up any sand. Apparently it looks dirty quickly though because the poop shows up more than on gravel.
  31. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Less than 24 hours later and I have an almost clear tank
  32. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Well I'll be transferring my current fish into there (plattys, corys and amano shrimp) then adding some tetras (2 kinds) or maybe rasboras. 2 Bristlenoses and a betta. Havent fully decided to be honest. Any suggestions as to what will e good with my current fish? :dunno:
  33. S

    Still got white spot afetr 6 days

    I have used king british white spot control before and it worked fine for me. The trick with treating ich is patience. There is no quick cure. Keep medicating and dont forget you need to continue treatment for a couple of doses after the spots have gone. If you have any active carbon in your...
  34. S

    I've had a new tank...

    The background came on the tank but the other side was showing (garish horrible design). The design thats showing now was on the reverse. I've had water in there for about 24 hours now and have just added my sand (which I washed and washed and washed :blink: )
  35. S

    Alright, kinda in a fix

    Does she realise that it wont just stop at 13 babies?? If the fry are of mixed genders then the breeding will continue and you'll end up with way too many for your tank.
  36. S

    Alright, kinda in a fix

    Wont your Mum at least let you take some of the babies back?? Along with the adult platty and guppy?
  37. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Well you know where there's usually a triangle cut out of the glass at the back to make it easier to put in your heater, filter etc? Well one of them is at slightly the wrong angle meaning that the top of my water will need to be about 1cm lower then usual. Thats it!!! £250 off just for...
  38. S

    I got all this.........

    Great find Paul. Those battery powered syphons are great. They can suck up the poop but release the water back into the tank, scrape your glass and act as a normal syphon too. One tip though. When using it as a normal syphon, take off the end with the slots in, works much better without it :D
  39. S

    I've had a new tank...

    Do you know I have absolutely no idea. There are no identifying marks anywhere :dunno: Doesnt say on my receipt either. Sorry :unsure:
  40. S

    I've had a new tank...

    :lol: We only have a video player in the bedroom so we have alot of films on video and DVD.