Look what i found

He's at it again 4 days on here is a piccy of the spawning :D

he's giving it a 2nd go :lol:


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Well this is the first time i have ever named my fish and there names are.............................................................................

Homer and Marg :rofl:

i hope i get some offspring like Bart :hyper:
Just a little update for anyone who is intrested:

I left the female in the tank last night even after she raided the nest and ate some eggs ( because she still seemed to what to spawn ).

Got home from work to day and the male was still trying to get her under the nest, and she wasn't having none of it. So instead of removing her totaly like last time , and having the male blitz the nest and eat the eggs. I decided to put her into one of those breeding traps used for live bearing fish ( Minus the V shaped bit ).

So anyway up to now the male is still tending the nest, and not going to far from it. I just hope the're some chance of eggs left in there.
That is so awesome! Really, I'm so happy for you. The fish are so new to the tank but they sure were happy with the home that you provide for them. Keep us updated to what the fry are doing...

Thanks to DA :D He reminded me to get on of these :thumbs:

Up and running DA Thanks


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OK brine shrimp hatched and added to the tank

:rofl: :rofl: I dont know who is more scared the fry or the brine shrimp :crazy:

The fry wont go near them and if a bbs bumps into a fry by mistake. The fry take off like **** off a shovel :lol:

I think there still alittle bit to small for baby brine shrimp
Hi StrontiumDog :)

I can't believe I missed this thread! If I wasn't looking for threads to move to the new forum, I'd have overlooked it totally. :*)

How are the fry doing now? :unsure:
Hi Inchworm, and thanks for moving it :D

Fry seem to be doing ok, at last count I got to 49. I'm going to try them again with BBS tomorrow, maybe they will eat them this time instead of swimming off :S

I would love to say they have grown, but i can't tell they are still very small.

I will definatly be adding to this thread as they grow and hopefully with my mistakes, maybe others will learn so's not to make the same mistakes I have :nod:
Well it's now 12 days since the fry where free swiming.

Total number of fry counted today was 18 :sad: and the fry are different sizes, some are still very tiny. So i have caught as many of the tiny ones fourteen in all, and put them in a breeder trap. hopefully they will get more food that they obviously have been missing.

There are about 4 bigger fry that i have left in the tank because I think they are fending for themselves and finding the food.

I'm still keeping an eye on the tank for more of the smaller ones :crazy:

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