I quit my job


Aug 29, 2004
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I quit. They haven't paid me, I don't know WHAT I'm being paid, even though I've been working there since august, I rang them and said 'my cheques are bouncing, you haven't paid me, I can't afford the travel costs, i can't come in tommorow' he said 'you have to come in i'm not taking that for an excuse...' anyways... I got a teacher at my school to ring him and tell him i'm not going back and give me my money! yay! trouble is... now I don't want to go in there to buy my bloodworm so I have to find a new fishy shop :(
Which lfs in London?

....oh, and bad luck....you shouldn't have to work for free and they should't take the p**s.

The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) are very good with this sort of thing.......you did work.......you should get paid...
I agree. Just cos you're a young un doesnt mean people can take advantage. If you stand up for yourself and get the CAB involved then they might think twice before trying to stitch up someone else.

Go get em.
thats really unlucky, I hope it gets sorted for you.

I started at my LFS on the 23rd of September and am being paid weekly by direct debit..woooo!!

my brother had wage problems with his first job never got paid on time, or at all and ended up quiting after taking ages from the til!!
There are laws about pay for work done & how much notice to quit you have to be given. Try this website : http://www.dti.gov.uk/er/ or this one http://www.emplaw.co.uk/ . It always helps if you are armed with the relevant facts and names of employment acts before you talk to your ex-employers.

I was dismissed from a job and won £3k at a tribunal for unfair dismissal representing myself... because they fired me I had lots of time to do the research!

If you felt you HAD to quit because of the circumstances it is called "constructive dismissal". I repeat the other members advice too : the CAB are fairly good at this stuff, you can also get advice from ACAS.
Red is right, they are legally bound to pay you for all work you have done, and if you felt that circumstances created by them forced you to leave it is constructive dismissal. I'm not sure that this covers you as you've only worked there since August (is that right?) but i can find out for you - I'm the personnel bod where i work and we have an employment law consultant on contract. So if you need any advice or any draft letters etc just lemme know! :D

Some employee rights dont come into play until you've got 12 months service.

Definately worth seeking advice on though, if even just to get whats rightfully yours.
You Should fight for your Wages.

Which Lfs is it.

We will Bombard the with Phone Calls, Fax's Emails till they pay.

Just tell us and we will All Help, I hope.

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