My dog the movie buff


I wanted to rule the world but got distracted by s
Jun 12, 2004
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United Kingdom
Here she is watching Starship Troopers 2 :/

:lol: Cute, but if she was a film buff, she'd be facing the other way with Starship Troopers 2 playing :p

My cat watches the TV from time to time, he likes nature programs.

:lol: I was looking the other way!

Oooh yeah, Millie loved that programme "when dinosaurs walked the earth"
Puffer_freak said:
But dogs can't see in 2D...huh?

Oh well! Maybe she likes the sounds! :p
I don't know that this is the case. I've seen many dogs chase a flashlight spot on the wall, seems like that's a 2D image...

Edited to add: Check out this link - it talks about how dogs see.
Puffer_freak said:
Maybe she likes the sounds! :p
I'd agree with you but today there was a RSPCA advert on the TV and there was a black dog sitting in the rain and a rescue person went up to it and put a blanket around her. No doggy noises or anything like that but she turned to watch it.

It reminded me of this post so I came back to tell you all :p
My cat Sasha loves TV. She loves standing in front of it and purring when she knows we're all trying to watch it. I think she's the only one who finds that amusing, though.

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