I've had a new tank...

David said:
Anyway what is the defect, if you don't mind me asking?
Well you know where there's usually a triangle cut out of the glass at the back to make it easier to put in your heater, filter etc?

Well one of them is at slightly the wrong angle meaning that the top of my water will need to be about 1cm lower then usual.

Thats it!!! £250 off just for that!!! :kana:

People still have VHS!?!?
hehe sorry, lovely tank though!
Next present is a DVD player for sure!

As I said before. We do have a DVD player in the living room, but upstairs we have two video players still. To be honest we dont watch the videos much so the boyfriend says he'll be selling the bad ones on ebay :fun:
snowyangel said:
You lucky, lucky girl. :p My b/f has decided 5 tanks in our bedroom is enough. I say if i can still walk around, there's room to spare. :D
lucky you snowy being allowed to have tanks in the bedroom....I have almost given up on getting my dream bedhead tank....imagine lying there all night watching fish :wub: I was talking tanks the other day....the BF said "if you get another tank I will move out".....hmmmm.....a 6ft tank would sure look good where his desk is....and that bed is not needed....thatsd like 5 ft!!! :p

Nice tank sun....I like the stand and hood....did the background come attached to the tank or is that one you found and attached?
Chooklet said:
did the background come attached to the tank or is that one you found and attached?
The background came on the tank but the other side was showing (garish horrible design). The design thats showing now was on the reverse.

I've had water in there for about 24 hours now and have just added my sand (which I washed and washed and washed :blink: )

That isn't bad at all. You should have seen my tank. (I didn't wash enough) took two water changes to clear it. :/
Looks nice sunny. Good pwc's will get the dust out. And a filter with fine mess would help too. I am looking forward the finshed product.
sunflower said:
ddreams said:
Do you know what brand that stand and hood is?
Do you know I have absolutely no idea. There are no identifying marks anywhere :dunno:

Doesnt say on my receipt either. Sorry :unsure:
I was thinking it looks like a Rena - if so, you definitely got yourself a bargain! :cool:
It matches what is on the site. To bad they don't sell them in the US. :(
Great tank Sun!!! :D Sooo.... what are you gonna put in it or are you going to make us wait and see for ourselves?


ps- want to give me the number of your bf? I'd love him to talk to my hubby about what makes a good Christmas present! :rofl:
boozybears said:
what are you gonna put in it or are you going to make us wait and see for ourselves?
Well I'll be transferring my current fish into there (plattys, corys and amano shrimp) then adding some tetras (2 kinds) or maybe rasboras. 2 Bristlenoses and a betta.
Havent fully decided to be honest. Any suggestions as to what will e good with my current fish? :dunno:
I'd like to try sand instead of gravel,but I wonder if its harder to keep clean -_-
From what I can gather its not too hard, just have to be more careful when cleaning so that you dont suck up any sand.

Apparently it looks dirty quickly though because the poop shows up more than on gravel.
Partially aquascaped.

No doubt I'll change the layout several times before it's finished cycling :rolleyes:


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