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  1. C

    Nano Diary

    Theres one for now I will get some later when I have time. I have FINALS next week its a 20 gallon long later
  2. Reef_Aquarium_SmallerSize.JPG


  3. C

    Nano Diary

    Hi I just setup a tank a couple months ago. Here are some pics a couple weeks after it has been set up.
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    Nano Reef - Cost Effective?

    Yes, I agree with bunjiweb. Although the intial set-up may be around the same price the coral will be extremelly expensive. Also it depends how big your tank is. The deeper it is the more intense lighting. Also with a big tank and intenst lighting you will need a chiller which can cost about 500...
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    How Many Aquariums Have You Owned?

    I have 3 tanks. 55gal African Cichlid Tank w/ a lot of rockwork. 10gal heavily planted. 20L Reef Aquarium. I think Saltwater tanks are the best kind of aquarium.
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    How Do You Stop Lobsters Killing Other Fish?

    For the lobsters sake do not tie the lobsters pincers up. They could die of starvation. Just get faster fish or get rid of the lobster.
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    Tank Going Murky

    You may have an algae bloom. What color is the water? A greenish tint? If it is green keep the lights off more.
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    Help! My Clownfish Are Attacking Eachother

    This is my first marine tank its been up for about 2 months. I added Bio-Spira so it cycled very quickly.I would upload a pic, but my computer is too slow. I've been doing FW aquariums for about 7 years though. I called a local fish store and they helped me out.
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    Afraid Preg Guppy Will Die

    When I was about 12, I raised about three generations of guppies. My advice would be to put the guppy in a natural habitat so it will not be stressed. If you want all of the fry to survive have her in a small tank by herself. If the tank is too large, the babies could get sucked in the filter...
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    Cycling In Progress.....

    A faster way to cycle a tank is with Bio-Spira, I got some for my 20gal reef tank and it cycled in one week. Look in to it.. Cycling a tank with pure ammonia can be confusing and harmful, If you add to much it can be the ammonia level can be too high and it will take longer for the nitrifying...
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    Ten Gallon Hood With Two Lights!

    I have a heavily planted 10gal, same size as yours. I have one flourescent coralife bulb. My plants are growing really fast and have to trim them and throw the clippings out once a week. I was looking for a 10gal double light fixture but since the tank is pretty shallow the intensity of one...
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    Help! My Clownfish Are Attacking Eachother

    I have 2 clarkii clownfish in a 20 gallon long tank... they are the same size... i introduced them at the same time. i have one anemone, one clown loves it and protects it from the other fish. the other clown hides in the corner and the one clown on the anemone will not stop attacking the clown...