Tank Going Murky


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2005
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Ive had my tank set up for a year, but the tank has become a little murky and algae has started to fom on the tank walls!

Do i try and sort this tank out, or set up a new tank and transfer my fish to this?

The tank is fairly small, a 25l and im looking at getting a 60-80l tank, but would prefer to sort my original first and then set up the new one after!

The main problem is,

I cant just restart the tank, as the fish will have nowhere to go (2 zebra danios, 2 female guppies, 1 male, and 20 fry!!)And will need time for cycling.

So how van i sort my tank with losing the fish?

Is a complete water and gravel change possible, just keeping the same filter medium, or will the levels kill the fish?
Ive had my tank set up for a year, but the tank has become a little murky and algae has started to fom on the tank walls!

Do i try and sort this tank out, or set up a new tank and transfer my fish to this?

The tank is fairly small, a 25l and im looking at getting a 60-80l tank, but would prefer to sort my original first and then set up the new one after!

The main problem is,

I cant just restart the tank, as the fish will have nowhere to go (2 zebra danios, 2 female guppies, 1 male, and 20 fry!!)And will need time for cycling.

So how van i sort my tank with losing the fish?

Is a complete water and gravel change possible, just keeping the same filter medium, or will the levels kill the fish?

You may have an algae bloom. What color is the water? A greenish tint? If it is green keep the lights off more.
:grr: I posted but it didn't show up :grr: Well anyway how many gallons is the tank? Is the tank a cloudy or green? You shouldn't have to remove the fish. Just do a 15% water change every couple days to help keep it under control. What color is the algae? If its green you can get a couple ottos to eat the algae.

Oh wait a minute you posted in 2 sections. Your not allowed to do that in case you didn't know that. ;) :look: So I already answered your question in the begginers section so go check it out and leave this thread alone so you can answer the questions I asked you in the other section and maybe a mod can erase this one since this isn't a real emergency :nod: ;)

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