Cycling In Progress.....


New Member
Oct 22, 2005
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San Antonio, TX U.S.A.
I’m currently cycling my tank :D and I added half a cup to my 55 gallon tank. The type of ammonia is a clear type Hill Country brand. The water got cloudy, that is normal right? I know that after the cycling is done, I have to do a 50%-80% water change, so that will get rid of it. Well I’m just a bit concerned, have a good one! Thanks! :D
is the ammonia you have pure? as in, if you read the ingredients does it just say ammonia? as long as there are no fragrances or soaps in there you'll be fine :)
Half a cup of ammonia is WAY too much for a 55 gallon tank unless it is very weak in strength. I'm sure that is the reason it went cloudy. I used less than a capful on my 75 gallon to raise it to 6 ppm. What is the ammonia level now that you have added that much. You will probably have to do a complete water change to get it back down.
I think it might be pure. the ingredients are: ammonium hydroxide solution, clarifying agent, salts (inert) Hehe, half a cup too much? ops! Well it got clear now, but still a bit foggy, but u can only tell if u see the tank from the side, the ammonia is at 8ppm+ hehe, do i really need to do some water changes? I'm starting to read some nitrites, about 1ppm, and its been a week already. Well, thanks alot for the advice, i would greatly appreciate more! Have a good one! Bye! :D
A faster way to cycle a tank is with Bio-Spira, I got some for my 20gal reef tank and it cycled in one week. Look in to it.. Cycling a tank with pure ammonia can be confusing and harmful, If you add to much it can be the ammonia level can be too high and it will take longer for the nitrifying bacteria to grow. Also if you add more ammonia when your tank is cycling you could add too much and the could kill all of you good bacteria. I think you should cycle you tank naturally of with Bio-Spira, it is kind of expensive though.
ya i hear bio-spra is good. Well i've done a 90% water change cus of high ammonia levels. I checked my water readings the next day and they are;

Ammonia: 2ppm
nitrIte: 2ppm
nitrAte: 10ppm

Should i add more ammonia?

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