How Many Aquariums Have You Owned?

I have 5 tanks and you can see what size they are and what fish are in it by looking at me sig. :D
Currently have 14 tanks :D

4 up and running...

10 more to go in the shed when i get my bum back in work mode after our holiday :)
wow I'm impressed I thought simply having 2 up and running now was enough haha! Ive also been through 6 aquariums (upgrading from larger to larger) is that bad? :p
Right now I have a 54Liter(14.25gal US) a 112L(30gal US) and a 500L(ca125gal Us). I would like to have a few more but the Wife wont let me :angry: MTS(multiple tank syndrom) is a harsh sickness :p I have had many bowls and smaller tanks at home when I was a kid but now I think I have a better grip on what I am doing.
4. I've only been into the hobby since february!
I have 3 tanks. 55gal African Cichlid Tank w/ a lot of rockwork. 10gal heavily planted. 20L Reef Aquarium. I think Saltwater tanks are the best kind of aquarium.
I would love to get me a salt tank but we have a few other renovations to do on the house first. I would have to do some serious butt-kissing and laundry folding before I could even try to go there. My sweet Wife already thinks I am a Fish-Nerd and you peeps are my Nerd Buddies :lol: :fish: :rofl:
At the moment I only have my 4ft and an 18"x12"x12" fry tank set up.

In the garage I've got Another 18"x12"x12", a 24"x12"x12", a 24"x18"x18, another 4fter, about 3 small tanks (Used for other critters such as crickets & roaches & fry). And thats after selling a few and giving some to my brothers bootsale lot. Ergh. I've also got various sized light units, heaters and filters in a big box in there too.
I've had a couple 10gs, and 5G and a few bowls.
Right now I have 2 10Gs, 1 5G, a 55G and a few bowls.
I have 6 up and running currently, two 30 gallons, one 20 gallon, one 15 gallon, one 10 gallon, and one 5 gallon. I have 4 sitting around, offline (Fry tanks and hospital tanks, with the filters running in my 30 and 20 gallon) . And then all my Betta 2.5 gallons, 1.5 gallons, various containers...etc. :p
Currently running are 3 10 gallons, 7 20 gallons, 2 55 gallons, a 29, & a 65. I've got a couple 10's, a 29, a 38, & a 63 sitting dry.

Two up and running:

1 70 ltrs

1 60 ltrs

Also a 25 ltr hospital tank on standby (filter media in other tank)

Not enough, is it? Santa?
3 at the moment, 325 and 2 X 250 liter tanks.

I have had in total 6 different tanks running.

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