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    Trimming Puffer teeth

    Puffers rule! Anyways, about trimming the teeth, come check out the puffer forum, there is an article on trimming teeth with a few pages of feedback from members that have done it. Puffer Boards Look in the Hospital section.
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    Dwarf Puffer Tank setup

    DWARF Puffers do not need 15 gallons/fish..... Its more like 2-3 gallons per fish, yes theyre Puffers and they need space, but theyre 1 inch long max. This is a good site to get you on your way: Three "w" DOT dwarfpuffers DOT com
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    What to feed tiny Dwarf Puffer?

    Hey, I recently bought 2 super cute Dwarf Puffers..... Theyre also very small, about 1/4" long. I understand they can get up to 1", is this a maximum size, or is this the common size that they all reach? Also, Ive tried shrimp, they dont like it... One likes bloodworms, but he has trouble...
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    Size of Green Spotted Puffers

    Well, the most common is Tetraodon nigroviridis, Brackish green spotted Puffers like in my avatar. Theyre said to reach up to 6", and I believe this is possible if theyre in a large enough tank, but the largest Ive seen in person was 4". Theyre still super cool fish! ;)
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    common puffer diseases?

    Well, at my LFS they have a liquid that you mix their food in before feeding them. You use the medication for 1 week, I forgot what its called..... You can also get a flake food that is already made to destroy internal parasites. I believe a lot of people that own Puffers have also used...
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    common puffer diseases?

    If the salinity is fine, you might want to buy something that kills internal parasites since all GSP's are wild caught and tend to have parasites. The Ph is also important, they tend to like it a little higher and will act funny if you have a low Ph.
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    My fish

    Actually, thats not entirely true. From my experience it depends on what type of Puffer it is, and the reason why he's puffing. Obviously its bad if its related to stress, but this is a Brown Puffer (Tetraodon turgidus), and from what other Brown Puffer owners have told me, this seems to be a...
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    My fish

    AND Here's my Brown Puffer: Scary looking :-( What an ugly mug! He occasionally has little "Tantrums" and puffs up for no reason.... I think its a system check.. Here he goes... OMG! What a fatty! So.... being embaressed about his weight gain, he tried to hide behind a plant... Not...
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    My fish

    This was my Puffer about a month after I bought him. Potato: BIG Smile! Here he is after 6 months..... A little fatter :P (sorry about the blurry pic) Here's one of the BBG's he shares his tank with: And another: And the third BBG..... See Potato running away from him? What a...
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    What should I feed my puffer?

    Hit the grocery store fish section, and pick up raw shrimps, scallops, crabs etc. My puffer loves tiger shrimp more than any other food - even more than bloodworms or brine. Just remove the shell, skin it, and chop it up into bite size peices... The white colour of the meat gets their attention...
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    Who don't have cichlids? Why?

    I HAD cichlids......Then I got Puffers, and never looked back at cichlids. Sorry, but as far as intelligence is concerned, puffers are the undisputed kings :P Sure, cichlids come up to the tank to check you out, but they do that to anyone that they see. Can you say that your cichlid recognizes...
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    You can get Dwarf Puffers, or South American Puffers. Brown Puffers reach around 6", but this is strictly a solitary fish as it will eat anything in the tank. Theres also the Black Ghost, but I think they can get rather large. You could go brackish and get 2 Green Spotted Puffers or a few...
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    The 11 hr move was a success!

    Ahh... Good old Montreal :D Glad to see the move worked out. Now you'll just have to practice your french...
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    2 new tanks, I need help!!

    Okay, so I scored 2 tanks, for cheap. I think theyre repo's from a pet store that went under. One is 24L x 14.5W x 12H = 18 gallons, the other is 42L x 14.5W x 12H = 30 gallons, theyre not huge but theyre long, low and wide. Anyways, both tanks have holes drilled for an overflow, I have a...
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    Ghost Shrimp Advice

    You better watch the crayfish, because they eat everything inculding other fish and those shrimps. He might eat all your specimen :o
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    Fish only set up questions...

    Cool Thanks again guys :D Yeah Ive read a bit about mangroves too.....they seem really cool. Apparently when the mangroves reach a good size, the protien skimmer stops turning up sludge and becomes obsolete. So I guess in theory you could have a tank with just live rock, some powerheads and...
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    Fish only set up questions...

    I was aware the live rock adds to filtration, I just wasnt sure if its a neccesity or not, thanks for clearing it up for me Hazmat, Adrinal, Kmurph :thumbs: Hazmat: Thanks for telling me about power heads, I forgot about those and I looked on local forums after and happened to find 2 Hagen...
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    20 gallon long tank

    You would probably be fine with 1 Green Spotted Puffer, Puffers are generally solitary fish. OR maybe you can get two Figure 8 puffers, they dont get as big. You *might* be able to keep bumble bee gobies with either of the above....I say *might* because it really depends on the puffers...
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    Fish only set up questions...

    Im going to be setting up a 50 gallon tank as a fish only set up. I have an emperor 400 filter, and will be running an oversized protein skimmer. Ill have coral sand as the substrate 2.5-3" deep, as well as "dead" rocks/corals (base rock) in the aquascaping to make caves, and Ill probably...
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    Mr Man

    wow! Mr man is a nice looking fish indeed! Ill second the FOTM nomination :D
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    Mail order fish place in Canada?

    Yup, as far as mail-order goes, Canada sucks :( Although, there is a cheap mail-order condom place in Ontario :whistle: Anyways, after many hours searching, I found a place!!!! and, theyre cheap!!!! In British Colombia, they have porcupine puffers for $13.95 CAD...
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    Bumblebee Gobies

    Mine are kept in mid-brackish levels, around 1.010 specific gravity, they eat like pigs and seem very healthy and happy. They have solid lines, and were kept in brackish water at the pet store. When making a tank brackish, you need to use sea salt, I like Instant Ocean, but any marine salt will...
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    Mail order fish place in Canada?

    I always come across websites that offer fish for sale through the mail, Ive never seen one available to Canadians yet.....does one exist? Also, if anyone has ever ordered fish through the mail, what was your experience? Im trying to find Mudskippers here in Montreal, Ive found one at a LFS...
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    Puffer sugestions

    Its true, a bigger puffer will most likely eat smaller puffers of a different species. Im assuming you want brackish water? well, the common ones are figure 8 puffers, or green spoted puffers. Both these guys seem to do OK with bumble bee gobies from what Ive read, if you want more info, this...
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    December Nominations

    Thanks for the nomination pufferpack, and everyone else that did as well :) And I have other nominations here also: Everyone seems to have chosen photo 1, so here it is: Thanks everyone :*) I feel so proud of Potato... PS -...
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    My Green Spotted Puffer!

    I recently purchased a GSP, who I fell in love with the 1st time I saw him since he's so darned cute! His name is Potato, he enjoys bloodworms, shrimp, swimming in the bubble-bar, candle-light dinners, and deep meaningful conversations :P These first 2 pictures were taken by Robin Lacoste...
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    Picture of my GSP, and a question.

    Cool, thanks for the compliments:blush: .... actually, my girlfriend took those pics, I just cropped it and adjusted the contrast/brightness since it came out way to bright. The camera is a 2.0 megapixel Fuji used with the flash, on the macro setting. Ill get the exact model number if you...
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    Picture of my GSP, and a question.

    I was kind of bored so I decided to post a couple of pics of my puffer....hes so photogenic :thumbs: isnt he cute? Look at his lil' teeth :wub: My friends think Ive lost it since I talk about Potato (his name) like he's a person or something... anyways, Im getting a bigger tank for him...
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    green spotted puffer feeding

    My GSP is in a 10 gallon, this is just temporary, Ill be getting a big tank (minimum 50 Gallon) in the next month or so. I bought him before I had a big enough tank because I usually don't see too many GSP's for sale at the local pet stores, and hes still only 1.5' long, so its not too bad for...
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    green spotted puffer feeding

    I feed mine shrimp from the local fish market, the kind you buy to eat. Get the rawest one they have, its basically shrimp with the shells and the legs cut off. Cut it into bite size bits, my GSP loves it. I also feed him frozen bloodworms, and He started on snails too... Try and feed him...
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    Newbie puffer questions

    Okay, Id like to get some brackish water puffers, I just need a few questions answered that I can't seem to find on the net. 1) Can I mix a green spotted puffer with a figure 8 puffer? Will they harm a scat if I decide on getting one of those as well? 2) I read that I should put about 1 tblspn...