Trimming Puffer teeth


New Member
Jul 2, 2004
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Hi to all :)

I found this forum whilst searching for information on what to do about the state of my puffer's teeth. It's a South African puffer, about an inch and a half long, and because it won't eat snails (there are trumpet and small snails in the tank), it's teeth are getting worryingly long.

I think this is starting to affect it's behaviour/health as i often see it rubbing its teeth very vigorously across the glass until it seems exhausted. Its still eats bloodworm happily though, so that is less of the worry.

I'm fairly convinced I will have to trim the teeth manually now, and have read the thread describing how to do this by knocking the fish out in a solution of clove oil and clipping them. I'm worried about the dosage to give though as the fish is so tiny and i have no idea what sort of volume the 1 drop of clove oil should be dissolved in (the author mentions cool whip containers?).

If any of you have successfully caried out this procedure I'd be grateful if you could pass on any tips or advice. Also if anyone knows of some alternative methods I would be pleased to hear about them.
Puffers rule!

Anyways, about trimming the teeth, come check out the puffer forum, there is an article on trimming teeth with a few pages of feedback from members that have done it.

Puffer Boards

Look in the Hospital section.
Thanks for the replies :)

I'll check these pages :)

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