Mail order fish place in Canada?


New Member
Nov 3, 2003
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Montreal, Canada
I always come across websites that offer fish for sale through the mail, Ive never seen one available to Canadians yet.....does one exist?

Also, if anyone has ever ordered fish through the mail, what was your experience?

Im trying to find Mudskippers here in Montreal, Ive found one at a LFS, but Id like to get 2 or 3 and I cant seem to find anyone else that has them :(

Thanks for any replies :)
If you do find a decent mail order place in Canada could you PM me? Yeah, I know I'm in Denmark! The reason I asked is I was in the chatroom the other evening with another Canadian who had been looking for places. I tried to search for her but just about everything I could find which appeared to be Canadian re-routed to a US site, many to Big Al's!!!

All the lass wanted was a nitrite test kit! Seems incredible there is not a MO infrastructure in a "spacious" country like Canada.
Yup, as far as mail-order goes, Canada sucks :( Although, there is a cheap mail-order condom place in Ontario :whistle:

Anyways, after many hours searching, I found a place!!!! and, theyre cheap!!!!

In British Colombia, they have porcupine puffers for $13.95 CAD

I need a SW tank now :no:

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