Who don't have cichlids? Why?


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
Just cause thers so many people here who have never had a cichlid and don't even consider them for there new tanks

I think you all should get some, and it might be good to stop some misconception and get you all involved in them (although i'm not an expert) ;)

cmon i wanna hear why other fish are better than cichlids
I can't say other fish are better than cyclids.. I've just never owned any myself. I just set up my first tank in feb and wanted some 'easy' fish to learn with. I've fallen in love with my peaceful platies and mollies..... but I am already planning my next tank which will probably be a cyclid tank!!

Well first of all discus fish are the best IMO, and they are cichlids. Just that people don't generally think of them that way. Oh and corys, they're also the best. ;)
I've never had any Cichlids simply because of limited tank space. Also I'm not sure even with the proper sized tank they would appreciate my very very very alkaline water. I like rams when I heard about them but by the time my tank was already pretty fully stocked plus I've heard they aren't the easiest fish to take care of. I would like to have an oscar though some day. Assuming I get a tank large enough :)
Africans are the most beutifull cichlids imo and enjoy akaline water, they are also very easy to keep if you choose non discus ones as mine have survived all my noob mistakes being the first fish i had

Space is a legitamate reason for people with smaller tanks but there are also great cichlids for these
They are very broad and fit in with most every tank, people jsu seem not to consider it
Ha, no, well depends, they are agrisve but a few species can be kept in ten gallons and live with a few community fish, all will live with large catfish, most northwest need only a similar sized companion and my favorite mbuna african cichlids need only a 30 gallon and that isn't too big eh,
well, i have never had cichlids because i have only started keeping fish very recently (near the start of this year), i havent got enough money to buy another tank or the fish and if i did get them they would probably die coz they are expensive and also my parents wont let me get another tank. thats my reason. i hope to get a cichlid tank one day though.
I will have some cichlids -soon-, I hope! Up until now, I haven't had the money or the space for a larger tank, and I used to be put off by their agressiveness. Now it's what draws me to them :p
Im with vantge i prefer cichlids over salt water fish or anything, just they way they come upto the tank to check you out, and there so smart, things they pick up on is crazy. Nothing like a big SA or CA cichlid in a tank, it makes people freak out.
Also there a fish that has a personalty to them selfs like there all differnt.
I HAD cichlids......Then I got Puffers, and never looked back at cichlids.

Sorry, but as far as intelligence is concerned, puffers are the undisputed kings :p

Sure, cichlids come up to the tank to check you out, but they do that to anyone that they see. Can you say that your cichlid recognizes YOU?

Because my puffer does..... Its easily demonstrated by the fact that he won't come up and take food out of anyone else's hand except mine, or because he tries to spit water at me (and only me), and even because he rushes to the front of the glass and swims like a hyper humming-bird when I walk in the room, while with everyone else he sort of hovers there and stares at them before swimming away.....

And as far as character, well, I won't even begin to write about all the weird thing my puffer has done because it'll take 20 pages.

To all you cichlid owners, have YOU ever owned a puffer?
Cichlids are nice, but gouramis are better ;)
When I first started my tank (about 6 months ago), I was put off cichlids by all the specialist info on them, and so they seemed to be an advanced fish. I really liked them though, and wanted them, I just thought I'd go down the sensible road and keep easy(ish) community fish.
Six months on and I was overjoyed a couple of weeks ago when I found my LFS selling "Jade Eye Cichlids" and the guy in the shop said they'd live happily in my community tank. I bought a pair, and now own my first Cichlids. It has since been pointed out that they are T-bar cichlids (you can see pics of them here (when I wrote this, my web server was down so the pics were coming up as "x"'s!!)), but they're still one of my faves in the tank, and when I get more space, I'll definately get more Cichlids!!!!
Well, I have had platies (and various tetras) and catfish for the last 6 months....I recently got my first african cichlids....which I absolutely love. That said...I wouldn't say that cichlids are better than platies or other fish....in fact I still prefer my platies (which survived all my newbie mistakes and have given me lots of happy healhy fry)...

I guess like anything with fishkeeping it comes down to personal preference....if you really want something you will do anything to get it...if not then thats your choice....not good or bad....just a choice....

There are a lot of fish that I don't like....mainly the biiger ugly ones....but thats a different story!!
The vast majority of my 40+ years of fishkeeping has revolved around Cyprinids, (Barbs, Rasboras, Danios etc.), and Characins, (Tetras etc.). If I consider my favourites within those groups, I believe the principle reason I like them is their shape. They look like fish. A longer thinner body with short based pointed fins. Cichlids tend to be more round shaped with long based fins which doesn't do the same thing for me, although I have kept a few dwarfs.

I also like to keep peaceful fish. Many cichlids are at least territorail, other outright aggressive and some simply evil

Another thing is that I like to keep small fish in large tanks. To me it looks more "to scale" I suppose. Big fish in the same sized tank don't look like the same "slice of nature". I have vastly more choice of small fish within my groups then I would have with cichlids.

Another point is that I like well planted tanks, and many cichlids are disruptive in such tanks.

All that said, and I agree they are generalisations, I do not believe any fish are better then any others, it is a question of the tase of the fish keeper.

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