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  1. Oblio

    Inkbird ITC-306A

    Unboxing The box was slightly damaged due to it not being double boxed and shipped in a not protective Amazon bag. The product box was reasonably heavy gauge cardboard and well designed with crush zones but no protective foam. I suspect most shipments will survive intact if not double boxed.
  2. Oblio


    I use paper AND fountain pens I cook with cast iron Looking to restore some tube (valve) electronics Looking for a UGF to complete the Anachronism transformation.
  3. Oblio


    @meezazee Sent you a PM
  4. Oblio

    Inkbird ITC-306A

    First impressions It's Friday, with a busy day doing some repair in the basement, so I just wanted to see if I could get it running and settle back to drink beer and browse the inter-tubes rather than fiddle with my new toy. Simply dropped the probes in tank and connected my existing heater...
  5. Oblio


    Hmmm, export to Excel looks a bit ugly. Do you have a Google folder you can share and I can copy mine over This is what it looks like:
  6. 1656719309661.png


  7. Oblio


    Pretty easy to create in Google Sheets, I'll see if I can attach mine and you can use/mod as necessary
  8. Oblio

    Lost remote

    I long for the days when I was a wee lad in a small University town in rural Missouri. We never, and I mean never, locked our doors. The worst that might happen is a friend might stop by, put on some tunes, and grab a beer from the fridge.
  9. Oblio

    Lost remote

    If I were King, scum like that would serve life, hard labor, no parole.
  10. Oblio

    Inkbird ITC-306A

    Just arrived via Inkbird's Amazon store. Unboxing and evaluation upcoming. Background - I've got an older hand-me-down heater and I just located another while organizing the garage. My plan is to use both heaters for redundancy with the 306A to do the controlling of both. Things have been...
  11. Oblio

    Lost remote

    I saw a video of a White Hat hacker tear down a pump sniffer - Interesting and scary. I've been sniffed twice now - never lost any money, but a PITA to have to get a new card.
  12. Oblio

    Other hobbies

    Speaking of the famous taking risks - Jimmy Doolittle was a family friend, I got to spend the day with him once when I was a pre-teen. Sadly, he didn't want to talk about the war, but rather his African safaris - still one of my fond childhood memories, faded as it is.
  13. Oblio

    Lost remote

    Essjay gave the simple answer. If it is RF based, you can reverse hack the controller based on the FCC testing specs and a bit of reverse engineering. I watched a cool video the other day where someone hacked the electronic restaurant queue tokens, both for getting your table and receiving...
  14. Oblio

    PLEASE HELP planted tank cloudy water dead fish

    Most dechlorinators can be mildly overdosed, check the dosage instructions on the bottle. If using API Water Conditioner, you should (per the instructions) double the standard dose for chloramine.
  15. Oblio

    Clamped Fin Platy Hiding Behind Sponge Filter And HOB filter

    I've heard that Tubiflex (dry) are discouraged. Hopefully others will chime in as to why. Can you get a higher res pic? How are the tankmates?
  16. Oblio

    Filter flow

    If there is no adjustment on your filter, you can put a Tee ("T") fitting in the output and input lines with the input and output going thru the top of the "T". Connect a line with an adjustable valve between the two remaining "T" openings. You can then adjust the flow by allowing high...
  17. Oblio

    Changing hang on back filter cartrige

    My setup with Aquaclear 110 HOB This was for a different brand HOB that I got at LPS, I tied a twist tie at top to hold it on. You want to push the filter down as far as possible to maximize the usable surface area that draws in water. Please pardon the BGA which I am currently battling, also...
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  19. Oblio

    Changing hang on back filter cartrige

    If you put a pre-filter on your intake tubes and let them run for a few weeks in the tank, you can then change out the internal pads with new reusable foam. There a a million different varieties, you can likely find one at your LFS/LPS, this link has some videos on the page on how to use...
  20. Oblio your thoughts here...

    If you are high risk, with co-morbidities, take precautions. All others, especially children, live life normally, acquire natural immunity, do not get vaccinated, and carry on...
  21. Oblio your thoughts here...

    I've done it coming out of either a school, work, or hospital, but always tear it off before getting to the car. Excepting when I was in the Peoples Republic of Illinois visiting relatives, I refused to wear a mask.
  22. Oblio your thoughts here...

    Been to that party in southern US with no A/C, not fun.
  23. Oblio

    Changing hang on back filter cartrige

    You should be ok with bacteria on your decorations/substrate. Monitor ammonia/nitrite with a test kit and do a 50-80% WC if they spike. I would suggest 'supercharging' your filters with reusable media, saves money and helps prevent any spikes in ammonia/nitrite.
  24. Oblio your thoughts here...

    They are saving money on bumper stickers ;)
  25. Oblio your thoughts here...

    Put grandma on the roof in a rocker. Extra points to those who get the reference :)
  26. Oblio

    How to measure the water quality in fish tank?

    Anytime Ammonia or Nitrite is > zero (0) ppm, do a 50-80% WC. Check daily until both of these stay at zero. Feed minimally until then, you can skip days, your fish won't starve to death but ammonia and/or nitrite will either kill them directly or cause stress induced diseases that will.
  27. Oblio your thoughts here...

    Then there are those who (still) drive alone, in a car, with windows up, with a mask on. :rofl:
  28. Oblio your thoughts here...

    No, it's like using a chain link fence to keep mosquitoes out.
  29. Oblio your thoughts here...

    And some didn't want to mask because it was useless to prevent infection, among the more sinister reasons.
  30. Oblio

    How to measure the water quality in fish tank?

    You can often find your water hardness online. If you do, report value and the measurement units.
  31. Oblio

    How to measure the water quality in fish tank?

    If you do not have a test kit and did not move substrate/decorations, filter media etc., I would do a daily 50% WC (Water Change) to be safe. Be sure to condition the water.
  32. Oblio

    How to measure the water quality in fish tank?

    Welcome to TFF! Did you also move the filter media and/or substrate? That is where BB (Beneficial Bacteria), if any, reside.
  33. Oblio your thoughts here...

    Did you read my previous reply? I am deliberately NOT discussing what is controversial. To be clear - Deaths from COVID is not in question. It was your other assertions that I (and many others) disagree with, are political, and should not be discussed.
  34. Oblio your thoughts here...

    FYI - I wasn't talking about there being fatalities as being controversial. You are making it political by making controversial statements that (per the rules) cannot be rebutted or discussed. I could make several statements that conflict with what you stated, and this would blow up, and get...
  35. Oblio your thoughts here...

    Agreed. My comment re: avoiding controversial statements was limited in scope to the fora at TFF, which I believe is the moderators desire.
  36. Oblio your thoughts here...

    Please don't state that controversial statements should be avoided (good) and precede that with a controversial statement (bad).
  37. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Eating red food? You might be consuming tiny crushed bugs (cochineal). Look for carminic acid, carmine, or cochineal extract in the ingredients list.
  38. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    The difference between a graveyard and a cemetery: A graveyard is on church property, separate from the churchyard. As the number of interred grew larger than the church property had room for, graves were located outside in specialized locations called cemeteries.
  39. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    You rearrange the pieces, add some glue and screws, viola!, a coffin.
  40. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Another fun fact: Originally, bodies were taken from the parlor - that long room in many old country homes where the body was laid out - on a flat board, since it was awkward to carry the body by the arms and legs, out to the family plot out back. Later on, sides and a top were added. The...