Other hobbies

Let me just word it this way. I'm ok with who I am. Sometimes I have my lows and want to "fit in" but everyone is different and I guess this is just me lol.
Not meaning to attack you or anything. I’m just saying sometimes its better to know, so if that subject comes up in conversation, you don’t feel embarrassed that you don’t know.
The High School kids I taught were becoming fiercely snobby about shoes, so maybe some went in that direction once they had jobs and incomes.
I’m not snobby by any means, I just love the shoe culture. I do know some people who are very snobby about sneakers, it’s sad we as a community are portrayed that way. Every shoe has a background and a part in history. (If that part is in the NBA, rappers, celebrities, etc)

This is the definition of a sneakerhead:

a person who collects and trades sneakers as a hobby, and who typically is knowledgeable about the history of sneakers

(Also I do have a part time job, so I pay for all my shoes myself. I also get some shoes on their release date, and resell them to make a profit. I’ve also traded one sneaker for another in the past. It’s all part of the hobby)
Not meaning to attack you or anything. I’m just saying sometimes its better to know, so if that subject comes up in conversation, you don’t feel embarrassed that you don’t know.
Yah... I understand.
And then find out the hard way...
Playing it safe didn't put Edmund Hillary on top of Mount Everest. Playing it safe didn't get Warren Harding up El Capitan. Playing it safe didn't get Evel Knevel over the fountain at Caeser's Palace. Playing it safe didn't get Thor Heyerdahl across the Pacific Ocean on a raft. On and on and on I could go but I will let Theodore Roosevelt speak now.
"It is far better to dare mighty things than to take rank with those poor timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat".
Playing it safe didn't put Edmund Hillary on top of Mount Everest. Playing it safe didn't get Warren Harding up El Capitan. Playing it safe didn't get Evel Knevel over the fountain at Caeser's Palace. Playing it safe didn't get Thor Heyerdahl across the Pacific Ocean on a raft. On and on and on I could go but I will let Theodore Roosevelt speak now.
"It is far better to dare mighty things than to take rank with those poor timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat".
But they take safety precautions to make sure they come back alive...
Perhaps , but have you ever heard of Alex Honnold ? He free soloed Freerider on El Capitan. That's 3,000 vertical feet of climbing alone and unroped .
Yah... I've heard of people doing that. But out on the road it's law to be wearing certain biking equipment... If he gets injured I'd bet one of the first questions a judge would ask is: "Were you wearing any protective gear?"... And if no well then too bad I guess you shoulda been wearing it. Then it would be moving on to vehicular damages
"There were some old buildings used as part of a seawall around here, and there are a lot of bricks that remind me of seaglass, in that the tides have rounded them and made them look like natural objects. I'll keep an eye out for any with writing."

Thank you GaryE. It would be cool just to learn what you find.
Here I am a year and a half into my HMS Bounty admiralty kit. Slow to no going on it. This was an expensive kit and a much more advanced builder kit than I thought. 25 frame ribs , the keel and the bow hawse pieces done. Each frame rib was 9 individual parts and could only be glued up over two days. I have the stern framing to do and then I have to fair each bow and stern rib six ribs each way. Then I can start the decks and planking. I hope I finish this before 2030.


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Here I am a year and a half into my HMS Bounty admiralty kit. Slow to no going on it. This was an expensive kit and a much more advanced builder kit than I thought. 25 frame ribs , the keel and the bow hawse pieces done. Each frame rib was 9 individual parts and could only be glued up over two days. I have the stern framing to do and then I have to fair each bow and stern rib six ribs each way. Then I can start the decks and planking. I hope I finish this before 2030.
That's so cool! I have a feeling I will still be here when it's done so make sure to post pics 😉
Building models. That is for the patient. It's not for the kids who just want to sniff the glue, as my sister's friends said to me when I was a kid.

And @Rocky998 - I'd say, personally, that Evel Knievel or Edmund Hillary didn't do great things, although they sure had fun. I went to school with the grandson of one of the Sherpas who went up with Hillary. He had an interesting take.But whatever you can experience, do, learn - it's all of value potentially. If an asteroid hits the planet and we here are the only survivors, we'll have shoes, a boat, theme music from my non fish obsessions, and whatever you can bring to the table!

I am serious though. It is remarkable how many things I learned I thought were time wasters paid off at various points in my life. Whatever you learn, learn it well and keep going.
Building models. That is for the patient. It's not for the kids who just want to sniff the glue, as my sister's friends said to me when I was a kid.

And @Rocky998 - I'd say, personally, that Evel Knievel or Edmund Hillary didn't do great things, although they sure had fun. I went to school with the grandson of one of the Sherpas who went up with Hillary. He had an interesting take.But whatever you can experience, do, learn - it's all of value potentially. If an asteroid hits the planet and we here are the only survivors, we'll have shoes, a boat, theme music from my non fish obsessions, and whatever you can bring to the table!

I am serious though. It is remarkable how many things I learned I thought were time wasters paid off at various points in my life. Whatever you learn, learn it well and keep going.
Definitely agree...

I would hope you have more than just a boat and music for survival supplies when a meteor lands and were the only ones 🤣
Building models. That is for the patient. It's not for the kids who just want to sniff the glue, as my sister's friends said to me when I was a kid.

And @Rocky998 - I'd say, personally, that Evel Knievel or Edmund Hillary didn't do great things, although they sure had fun. I went to school with the grandson of one of the Sherpas who went up with Hillary. He had an interesting take.But whatever you can experience, do, learn - it's all of value potentially. If an asteroid hits the planet and we here are the only survivors, we'll have shoes, a boat, theme music from my non fish obsessions, and whatever you can bring to the table!

I am serious though. It is remarkable how many things I learned I thought were time wasters paid off at various points in my life. Whatever you learn, learn it well and keep going.
Speaking of the famous taking risks - Jimmy Doolittle was a family friend, I got to spend the day with him once when I was a pre-teen. Sadly, he didn't want to talk about the war, but rather his African safaris - still one of my fond childhood memories, faded as it is.
I’m not snobby by any means, I just love the shoe culture. I do know some people who are very snobby about sneakers, it’s sad we as a community are portrayed that way. Every shoe has a background and a part in history. (If that part is in the NBA, rappers, celebrities, etc)

This is the definition of a sneakerhead:

a person who collects and trades sneakers as a hobby, and who typically is knowledgeable about the history of sneakers

(Also I do have a part time job, so I pay for all my shoes myself. I also get some shoes on their release date, and resell them to make a profit. I’ve also traded one sneaker for another in the past. It’s all part of the hobby)
I have a virtually unworn pair of Nike Doernbecher Freestyle 2008....I believe they might be quite rare

In the phoro contained in this link, the ones I have are bottom row on the far left, designed by Brandi Berger who was 15 at the time.


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