Search results

  1. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    For some beers and wine (as I just discovered), there is isinglass.
  2. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

  3. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    Hindus (c.f. India) do not eat beef. Muslims do not eat pork (c.f. Africa and Middle East). Interesting note, Rabbit is eaten by some mulsims, yet most muslims are unaware that rabbits eat their droppings as part of the digestive cycle - Similar to cud chewing but taking the long way round...
  4. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    On a related note, this, despite the subject matter, is a very interesting book - I actually listened to it on Audible. It explores the hot chili underworld, the psychological pathology associated with the obsession, and more.
  5. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    Many of those starving wouldn't eat the beef or pork in most hot dogs.
  6. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    Yeah, one of the reasons I lowered my tank temp. My cycle time is about 4-6 hours now. Seems silly to heat the room, so I can cool the room. Glad my stock can tolerate cool temps.
  7. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    Not empty anymore, it's got an empty B&J ice cream tub on it.
  8. Oblio

    TFF Poetry

    Must be the heat
  9. Oblio

    TFF Poetry

    Noting that the last two J&J posts were by mods Jus' sayin' :rofl:
  10. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    A movie performer outspoken in politics; I'm shocked I tell you!
  11. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    95F here in middle GA, heat index 109. I did a 60% WC and raised the tank temp from 72.4 to 76.5 with the tap on full cold. It will be well into the evening before it is back to normal.
  12. Oblio

    Suggest a lower level schooling/shoaling fish.

    I have albino C. Aneaus (Bronze) and C. Paleatus (Peppered) and they are pretty active. I feed them carnivore tablets but I first feed the Tetras with flakes or sinking pellets (Bugbites) to distract them on one end drop the tablets on the opposite end. Between the pellets that the Tetras miss...
  13. Oblio

    Suggest a lower level schooling/shoaling fish.

    Yes!, assuming the water params are correct.
  14. Oblio

    Cherry Barb suddenly struggling to swim

    Unless it's a bottom dweller. I would have lost all my Corys by now. Not trying to be sarcastic, just in case someone reads this and does not know any better. I kinda freaked out when I saw my Corys, on the bottom, not moving, for a long time. Then I realize they are called Cats for a...
  15. Oblio

    How to measure the water quality in fish tank?

    Fish and other fauna can directly absorb the chemicals leading to health problems or worse.
  16. Oblio

    Now THAT's a Snail </Dundee Voice>
  17. Oblio

    TFF Poetry

    Home schooled member they abound Seeking wisdom to be found When by sages givn' advice They ignore them all Not thinking twice
  18. Oblio

    How much to add?

    Odd, my Python has a standard 3/4" Female hose connector at the tube end of the gravel vac.
  19. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

  20. Oblio

    How much to add?

    Only if you dumped in all the water at once. If the tap water is slowly added, the ppm of chlorine is negligible. As an example - If I add 1 gallon to 50 gallons of treated water, the chlorine level is 1/51th the level of the untreated gallon I added. In 5 min, it is now zero. Add another...
  21. Oblio

    Other hobbies

    If you are into such things, the following channel has a wealth of ship knowledge including both Age of Sail and WWI & WWII
  22. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    To paraphrase the comedian Gallagher - This country wasn't founded by 'wimps', but rather a bunch of p***ed off people who set off on leaky boats exclaiming "maybe I'll die ..."
  23. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    FTR, back in the day (ca Bicentennial), we would shoot at each other, using tubes to launch. No bike helmets, and since it was 90 deg F and 90% humidity, we would drink from the waterhose to stay hydrated. 'Merica!
  24. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    Does that mean bottle rocket wars are out of the question?
  25. Oblio

    Small transportable aquarium?

    Found it!
  26. Oblio

    Small transportable aquarium?

    There is a thread somewhere in TFF with a fish transporter - A tube with a handle. I think it was for transporting larger fish from LFS to home.
  27. Oblio

    Other hobbies

    If you are ever in New Orleans, you MUST check out the WWII Museum. Worth a side trip if you are anywhere close. There are several very cool ship models, I recall one or two in the upper level of the main lobby.
  28. Oblio

    Inkbird ITC-306A

    Temp control Seems to control very well, a few caveats - I have a 125 gal tank with minimal substrate/decorations and am underheated. With that thermal mass and a relatively small thermal input, this should be a piece of cake with no risk of overshoot/undershoot or instability. I have no idea...
  29. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    All you can eat deep fried catfish is a thing in the south. Usually served with coleslaw and dill pickles. Church ladies are the busybody women that run the churches, here in the South it is mostly Southern Baptist or Methodist. There is a smattering of Reformed/Presbyterian and Episcopal...
  30. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    e.g. A brash, loudmouth from the West Coast walks in to a Catfish Diner in the Deep South, full of Church Ladies. Embarrassment (mostly) and hilarity ensues ... True story
  31. Oblio

    Happy Independence Day

    Ohhhhh, the recent memes I'm tempted to post!
  32. Oblio

    How much to add?

    I can't practically pre-treat my water so I dose the tank, wait a minute or two, then add tap water. On dechlorination reaction time:
  33. Oblio

    My test results

    I always forget to mention vacuuming as it is something I just 'do' while siphoning out the water. Since I have a 125 gal, I've lately been doing a deep clean of 1/4 to 1/3 of the substrate. With a pre-filter I only clean the internal sponge every month or so, it rarely picks up debris since...
  34. Oblio

    My test results

    What is the pH of your tap water? You generally don't want to chase pH but rather choose your stock to fit the natural pH of your area.
  35. Oblio

    My test results

    Welcome to TFF! Your tank is likely not cycled since you just added fish and it is a new tank. (Read link below). I would do an 75-80% WC whenever ammonia or nitrite is above zero, check daily until levels remain at zero and you begin to get some nitrate levels. After that, do a WC when...
  36. Oblio

    Other hobbies

    Last I checked, sales tax, is billed at time of sale and goes to the State (and sometimes)local Gov't. It's all (mostly) money down the drain.
  37. Oblio

    Betta somewhat swollen and bugs found in carbon filter

    Welcome to TFF! What are your actual ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels? Are you doing regular WCs (Water Changes) and treating the water with declorinator?
  38. Oblio

    Other hobbies

    I traded some fresh home grown basil for home grown tomatoes the other day. No taxes paid. As the economy gets worse, barter will increase, no taxes paid :)
  39. Oblio

    Inkbird ITC-306A

    Manual Usage instructions are pretty good, better than many Chinese imports. To be honest, I did not need them to set up the controller via the APP which is pretty self explanatory. I'll try using the setup via the unit hardware buttons at a later time. It's nice to have an APP rather than...
  40. Oblio

    Other hobbies

    I dabbled in RC gliders when I lived near the beach with upslopes. Inexpensive, fun to build, and 2-axis controls on the beginner models were easy to fly. I tried using hi-starts, basically a HUGE rubber band staked to the ground but that took enormous amounts of space.