Happy Independence Day

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A brash, loudmouth from the West Coast walks in to a Catfish Diner in the Deep South, full of Church Ladies.

Embarrassment (mostly) and hilarity ensues ...

True story
I’ll be honest I have no idea what a catfish diner is and also church ladies lol we don’t even have diners in uk really they are more like cafes
I’ll be honest I have no idea what a catfish diner is and also church ladies lol we don’t even have diners in uk really they are more like cafes
All you can eat deep fried catfish is a thing in the south. Usually served with coleslaw and dill pickles. Church ladies are the busybody women that run the churches, here in the South it is mostly Southern Baptist or Methodist. There is a smattering of Reformed/Presbyterian and Episcopal, and a jillion roll yer' own denominations. But they all have Church Ladies
Please feel free to correct or disagree but I feel the USA as a very diverse and altogether difficult country. Ide hate to be the leader of a country with millions of people from miles apart that all live very different lives through very different cultures.
Yeah there’s 60 million people in uk but we are all relatively the same cultures (with some differentiation) whereas US seems very very different cultures throughout
That's a very fair assumption... The U.S is a jumble of cultures...

I'm glad to hear you don't want to take us over any time soon 🤣
In the grass?? Kinda dangerous man... also shouldn't light it in your hand... My dad almost blew off an important piece of the male anatomy by doing that when he was around my age.
Does that mean bottle rocket wars are out of the question?
FTR, back in the day (ca Bicentennial), we would shoot at each other, using tubes to launch. No bike helmets, and since it was 90 deg F and 90% humidity, we would drink from the waterhose to stay hydrated. 'Merica!
Lol... Dangerous, fun, don't do it 🤣
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