Betta somewhat swollen and bugs found in carbon filter


New Member
Jul 2, 2022
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South Carolina
Long story short, we have a Betta that we have to transport back and forth from my girlfriend's classroom (teacher) at the beginning and end of summer. It has a 10-gallon tank with live plants in it and a hang on back filter. This last time we transferred it home for the summer, it never seemed to get settled again. It hangs out on top of the heater suction cup near the water line, most of the time. It still shows eagerness to eat. I noticed it swims awkwardly and started looking into issues like swim bladder, etc. Also, we did notice a white spot on it's too fin when we first brought him home. Several weeks have passed and he never seemed to normalize. I decided to buy some Tetra "Lifeguard" and treat the tank. I'm no fish expert or really even a very knowledgeable hobbyist. But we try to do our research and give the fish the the best possible environment. Fish keeping is much more in-depth than putting a Betta in a bowl and we know that. So, before I started the first treatment of Lifeguard, I took out the carbon filter media. I put it in a separate Tupperware container with aquarium water. I came back an hour or two later and noticed tiny larva type bugs coming OUT of the filter and already outside of it in the water. Any help understanding what it is would be a great help, and any advice on how to get my tank back to normal would help too. We test regularly for PH, Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite. All levels are normal as of Friday the 1st. I did try setting up a hospital tank last night, but we came back tonight to find masses of white slime throughout the tank (I put a stocking of the home tank's rock substrate into the hospital tank). Seems stupid of me now, knowing that the home tank obviously has some sort of issue. I'm dumb. So this became a short story long, but any help from more knowledgeable people
is appreciated
Welcome to TFF!

What are your actual ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels?

Are you doing regular WCs (Water Changes) and treating the water with declorinator?
Welcome to TFF!

What are your actual ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels?

Are you doing regular WCs (Water Changes) and treating the water with declorinator?
Thank you.

The last testing was done on 6/30, not 7/1 like I initially said.

PH: 7.6

AMMONIA: 0.0 PPM to 0.25 PPM (the color seemed in the middle of the ranges)



TEMP: 80.2

On the water changes, I did one in the process of transferring the Betta from the school I took about 75% of the aquarium water with us in sealed food grade 5-gallon buckets and added new water at home, after using Top Fin water conditioner in the new water. On water changes I have always used that conditioner on the new water.

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